Shrine of Shirley - Legend of Dragoon (2024)

Shrine of Shirley
  • Save Point: Yes
  • Rest: Yes
  • Shops: None
  • Goods: None
  • Stardust: None
  • Treasure Chests: 15
  • Minor Mobs: Yes
  • Bosses: [[Drake, Shirley]]

The Shrine of Shirley is found after Dart and company recover the Life Water from the Nest of Dragon and clear the path of the poisoned plant. They hope to find the Dragoni Plant here to cure Shana's poisoning at the hands of the Dragon Feyrbrand. The shrine is a time-worn temple full of white stone, overgrown vegetation, and crystal clear water. It is also home to multiple puzzles, including a minecart track that winds through the location.

  • 1 Story
  • 2 Services
    • 2.1 Rest Areas
  • 3 Collectibles
    • 3.1 Treasure Chests
  • 4 Combat
    • 4.1 Minor Mobs
    • 4.2 Battle Formations
    • 4.3 Bosses
  • 5 Gallery
  • 6 Trivia
  • 7 References


After using the Life Water to deal with the odd plant, Dart and company make it to the Shrine of Shirley. Open entering the shrine itself, Rose and Lavitz pause to look at the Dragoon inscription above the entryway. The group discusses the engraving, and Rose tells the other two to hold out their Dragoon Spirits. After their talk, they walk inside and find the shrine littered with signs and a minecart track looping around a column directly ahead of them.
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Upon exploring the area, the group finds chests and signs scattered through the shrine, each of them encouraging them to leave. There are three such signs in the main hall, as well as another Dragoon inscription like the one above the entrance. Upon nearing it, Dart's Dragoon Spirit glows in resonance and the party is fully refreshed. Leaving the main hall to the right leads the group to find a silver statue with a sign denoting which way it faces, two treasure chests with notes, and yet another Dragoon inscription. Leaving the main hall to the left, they find a sign and a ship's wheel. When turned, the wheel lifts the Dragoon inscription in the main hall. This new opening leads to a golden statue and a sign just like at the silver one.

The final exit of the main hall is a large staircase going up, at the rear of the hall. On a landing after two flights of stairs, the group finds a numerical lock with rotary plates. Lavitz encourages Dart to try his luck on it. Failing to unlock it, the group ascends the final flights of stairs, where they find a landing with a treasure chest. Upon opening the chest, Dart is dropped into a minecart which rockets down the track. 3 signs along the track reveal the code, and Dart is thrown out of the cart and lands in the lake outside the entrance to the shrine. Returning and entering the code causes a ladder to drop down, revealing a new path forward in the shrine.

With the final area revealed, Dart ascends the final staircase. Upon reaching the top, the stairs turn into a slide and he falls all the way back down. Golden and silver statues adorn the base of the staircase, providing the clues needed for Dart to solve the puzzle. Climbing the stairs again, Dart finds the amphitheater, with one final note in a chest. When the group enters the amphitheater itself, they get ambushed by Drake, who is impressed they made it past all the traps. Dart tries to convince him that they are not there to fight, but Drake does not believe him. Rose suggests it would be quicker to fight him, at which point Drake attacks.

Once Drake has been defeated, Shirley appears. Rose asks Shirley if she recognizes her, which Shirley is surprised at. She recognizes Rose, and they talk a little of their shared past. Dart interrupts and asks for the Dragoni Plant, which Shirley says she does not have. She instead offers a Dragoon Spirit, if Dart can prove his worthiness to her. Shirley interrogates the group about their purpose, beliefs, and ambitions. If Shirley does not approve of their answers, she starts the questions over from the start. Once they have answered every question, Shirley grants Dart the White-Silver Dragoon Spirit and requests that he heal Drake with its power. At Rose's instruction, Dart holds the White-Silver Dragoon Spirit with his own Red Dragoon Spirit, combining their powers to heal Drake. Shirley then leaves, and the group returns to Lohan to heal Shana.

Collapse story content


Rest Areas

ImageDisabled during progression


Treasure Chests

Main article: Treasure Chests

There are 15 treasure chests in this area.

NoteOn a landing at the entrance to the area.Image
NoteOn a landing in the right-side exit of the main hall.Image
NoteNext to the silver statute.Image
NoteOn the landing near the ship wheel.Image
NoteAt the top of the stairs at the very back of the area.Image
NoteNear the entrance of the amphitheaterImage
20GOn a post in the building behind the amphitheater.Image
20GOn a post in the building behind the amphitheater.Image
20GOn a post in the building behind the amphitheater.Image
20GOn a post in the building behind the amphitheater.Image
20GOn a post in the building behind the amphitheater.Image
20GOn a post in the building behind the amphitheater.Image
20GOne the floor in the building behind the amphitheater.Image
Demon StilettoAt the back of the building behind the amphitheater.Image
Healing BreezeAt the back right the building behind the amphitheater.Image

The treasure chests contain a total of 140G.


Minor Mobs

Plague RatEarth146Body Purifier (8%)
GargoyleDark1715Dark Mist (8%)
Living StatueEarth2012Detonate Rock (8%)
Crystal GolemLight2227Saphire Pin (2%)
Strong ManEarth189Fake Power Wrist (2%)

Battle Formations

Unit AUnit BUnit C
Crystal Golem
Plague RatPlague Rat
Strong Man
Living Statue
Strong ManGargoyle
Living StatueGargoyle
Strong ManLiving StatueLiving Statue
Plague RatPlague RatStrong Man
GargoyleGargoyleStrong Man


Drake the BanditWind12001500100Bandit's Ring (30%)Can summon 3 Bursting Balls and a wall of Wire. Bursting Balls will roll toward a party member each turn and explode on the third roll. Defeat the closest ones first to avoid damage. When Wire is summoned, do not attempt to use physical attacks on Drake as the Wire will stop you. Destroy the Wire first or use magic to bypass it.
ShirleyLight64000Silver Stone (100%)You only have to answer Shirley's questions correctly. You do not need to attack and can guard to skip your turn.




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Shrine of Shirley - Legend of Dragoon (2024)
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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.