[Top 10] Clash Royale Best Arena 6 Decks (2024)

Deck 10: Dam

[Top 10] Clash Royale Best Arena 6 Decks (1)

You don't want to cross this bow.

This deck works like breaking down a dam. You will chip away the dam piece by piece. As you are working, progress might seem slow, just like how little water will come out of a dam as you chip away. But once you break the dam and smash it wide open and the water floods out. And that flooding water is a streak of wins in this metaphor.

What’s Great about this Deck

  • Uses the Rocket, X-Bow, and The Log you unlock in Arena 6.
  • Fairly cheap deck.
  • Provides a failsafe for when your opponent’s tower has a small number of HP, but you just can’t seem to get any units through (Rocket, anyone?).
  • This deck has dedicated defensive units.

How the Dam Deck is Played

  • The goal is to carve away at your opponent’s tower little by little until you can finish it with the Rocket.
  • Planning the optimal time to get the Goblin Barrel to hit the tower is vital to success. You will do this by using the X-Bow. Place the X-Bow so it can fire on an enemy tower. Your opponent will want to deal with the X-Bow immediately and put down troops.
  • Once the enemy troops are focused on the X-Bow, send in the Goblin Barrel. Hopefully, your enemy spent their elixir attacking the X-Bow, leaving your Goblins to attack the tower.
  • If your opponent doesn’t fall for the X-Bow bait, then the X-Bow will tick down the enemy tower’s HP instead of the Goblin Barrel. It is a win-win.
  • To help the Goblin Barrel do even more damage, use the Zap spell. If you can get your Goblin Barrel to land and then summon the Zap spell to hit the tower, your Goblins will do maximum damage.
  • For defense your Knight, Archers, Spear Goblins, and The Log will be your go to units.


  • Knight
  • X-Bow
  • Zap
  • Spear Goblins
  • Rocket
  • Goblin Barrel
  • The Log
  • Archers

Deck 9: Baby Pups

[Top 10] Clash Royale Best Arena 6 Decks (2)

Look! It's personified Lava.

The fierce Lava Pups emerge once their mother dies. Their tragic birth is the reason they attack so viciously. If you can harness that anger, then they will lead you to many victories.

What’s Great about this Deck

  • Uses the Skeleton Barrel that you unlock in Arena 6.
  • Uses a lot of air units.
  • Strong offensive strategy.

How the Baby Pups Deck is Played

  • The Lava Hound is your main offensive unit.
  • Build up your elixir and deploy the Lava Hound at the back of the board.
  • The Baby Dragon will be the Lava Hound’s main support unit. When the Lava Hound crosses the bridge and the enemy tower locks onto it, deploy the Baby Dragon.
  • You will want to place the Furnace at the back on your board. Having the Furnace down while the Lava Hound is attacking will deter your opponent from using Bats, Minions, or Spear Goblins to defend.
  • Once your Baby Dragon and Lava Hound are close to the enemy tower, drop the Skeleton Barrel at the bridge. The enemy troops will be focused on the other units and your Skeleton Barrel should be able to make it to the tower undisturbed.
  • You can use the rest of the units for defense or additional offensive support.


  • Baby Dragon
  • Bats
  • Furnace
  • Lava Hound
  • Miner
  • Minions
  • Skeleton Barrel
  • Zap

Deck 8: Head in the Clouds

[Top 10] Clash Royale Best Arena 6 Decks (3)

Mom, that cloud looks like a dragon!

Friends who fly together stay together. At least that is what the Lava Hound, Baby Dragon, and Inferno Dragon will tell us. They spend all their time floating on clouds, dreaming up dreams. Only when enemies put their unwinged friends into danger will this trio descend from the sky and deliver fiery retribution.

What’s Great about this Deck

  • Uses the Inferno Dragon that you unlock in Arena 6.
  • Run a fun and dynamic offense by mixing the lengthy offensive strategy using the Lava Hound or quick sneak attacks with the Miner and Mini P.E.K.K.A.. This leaves your opponent frazzled, never knowing if they need to save up elixir for the Lava Hound or deploy immediately for Mini P.E.K.K.A. and Miner combo.
  • The Lava Hound is very hard to destroy because of its high HP, so it can soak up a lot of damage. This makes getting it to your opponent’s tower easy, especially if you use your supporting units.
  • Occasionally you will come across an opponent who is ill equipped for air attacks and, having no way to defend, you will destroy their three towers with ease.

How the Head in the Clouds Deck is Played

  • With this deck, your main offensive strategy revolves around the Lava Hound.
  • The Lava Hound is expensive, taking seven elixir to deploy, so it is vital that when you have saved up the right amount of elixir, you start your Lava Hound back by your tower. This gives you enough time to build your elixir supply back so you can drop your supporting units when the Lava Hound crosses into enemy territory.
  • The fundamental supporting unit in the deck is the Baby Dragon. When the enemy tower archer locks onto the Lava Hound, that is when you want to deploy your Baby Dragon. The Lava Hound has a lot of HP, so it will easily survive to the tower. The Baby Dragon is there to defend the Lava Hound from enemy units.
  • You can use the Mini P.E.K.K.A. and the Miner for defense and a sneak attack. If you notice that your opponent must be low on elixir it is the perfect time to launch your Mini P.E.K.K.A. and Miner. The Mini P.E.K.K.A. is quick and the Miner, as you know, digs under the ground and pops up wherever you desire, including going straight to the enemy tower.
  • You will use yourtwo spells (Poison and Zap), the Spear Goblins, and the Inferno Dragon primarily for defense, but you can use them for supporting offensive units when you see fit.


  • Lava Hound
  • Inferno Dragon
  • Baby Dragon
  • Mini P.E.K.K.A.
  • Miner
  • Spear Goblins
  • Poison
  • Zap

Deck 7: Giant Balloon Combo

[Top 10] Clash Royale Best Arena 6 Decks (4)

It's raining men.

This is a classic deck that seasoned pros and beginners can master. The pure simplicity of the deck may make some players underestimate its value, but don’t let it fool you. The focal point of this deck is the Giant Balloon combo attack. If you use the right strategy, this can be a game changer.

What is Great about this Deck

  • Uses The Log and the Balloon you unlock in Arena 6.
  • Half of the cards in the deck are Common cards. This means they are easy to collect and level up.
  • It uses the Balloon unit, one of the most powerful units in the game, to its full potential.
  • The versatility of the chosen cards provides a perfect mix of offensive and defensive abilities.

How the Giant Balloon Combo Deck is Played

  • This deck revolves around getting your Balloon unit to your opponent’s tower. Once your Balloon is there, it will destroy the tower in seconds. The biggest obstacle is getting the Balloon there in one piece.
  • When deploying the Giant Balloon combo it is vital that you deploy the Giant first. The Giant has a lot of HP and the Balloon does not. Deploy the Giant as close to the opponent’s tower as you can and wait until the tower’s archer locks onto the Giant. Only then should you deploy the Balloon unit.
  • This deck requires patience. Both the Giant and the Balloon unit are five elixir, meaning that you have to wait until your elixir bar is full before launching your attack.
  • The three spells (Arrows, Fireball, and Log) are used to protect your Giant Balloon combo. Units like Minion Horde are especially dangerous to the Balloon’s health. The Fireball and Arrows spell provides the protection you need so the Balloon can reach the opponent’s tower. Barbarians and Skeleton Army threaten the Giant (who is protecting the Balloon), and the Log is effective against these units.
  • The next biggest threat to your Giant Balloon offense are defensive buildings, specifically the Inferno Tower. The best way to combat the Inferno Tower is to save up the max amount of elixir, but this time instead of deploying the Giant as close as you can get to the other player’s tower, you will place it as far back as you can. The Giant moves slowly, so this gives you time to build up more elixir. By the time the Giant moves into enemy territory you have enough elixir to deploy the balloon and support units (Goblins, Minion Horde, or Barbarians). With the aid of the support units, you should be able to take down the Inferno Tower quickly.
  • You can use your support units for offense and defense. The spells can also be helpful when defending your own towers. In addition, if you needed you could use the Giant as a sacrificial pawn. You can do this by deploying the Giant close to your tower when you see that your opponent has just placed a lot of offensive units. By doing this, the enemy units will target the Giant instead of your tower. This will buy you time to place other units and for your tower’s archer to deal damage.


  • Giant
  • Balloon
  • Goblins
  • Barbarians
  • Minion Horde
  • Arrows
  • Fireball
  • Log

Deck 6: Sneak Attack

[Top 10] Clash Royale Best Arena 6 Decks (5)

Ready or not, here we come.

This deck contains fairly inexpensive cards. When deploying these low-cost cards, your opponent is reluctant to spend their elixir to kill them, and they usually just let your units run their course. That line of thinking works if it is just once or twice, but if you are sending a constant stream of units that your opponent lets slide, those damage points add up.

What’s Great about this Deck

  • Uses The Log you unlock in Arena 6.
  • All the cards in this deck are low cost. This makes it easy to spam your opponent, giving you plenty of opportunities to overwhelm them.
  • This deck has units that are effective against ground and air units.

How the Sneak Attack Deck is Played

  • The Miner, Goblin Barrel, and Poison spell are the center of your offensive strategy. The added up cost of their elixir equals 10, which is the max amount of elixir you can hold at a time. Ideally, you will want to save until you max out your elixir and then deploy all three cards at the same time.
  • This deck allows you to split up your offense if you want to. For example, you can deploy the Miner and the Goblin Barrel at the same time, but instead of sending them to the same tower you can send them each to a separate side tower. This will force your opponent to choose which tower to defend, spreading them thin.
  • The Furnace further lets you split up your offense. You can place the Furnace on the side that you are not actively attacking. The Fire Spirits that the Furnace spawn are not significant enough to defend against on their own, so your opponent will most likely just let them hit the tower. Over time, this can add up.
  • Spear Goblins and Bats can aid the offensive team or stick back to help defend your home base.
  • You will use The Log and Fireball primarily for defense, but if the opportunity presents itself, send them on over to the other side.


  • Spear Goblins
  • Miner
  • Goblin Barrel
  • Furnace
  • Fireball
  • Bats
  • The Log
  • Poison

Deck 5: Miner/Mortar Combo

[Top 10] Clash Royale Best Arena 6 Decks (6)

There's nothing like a dark night next to a warm flame.

This deck optimizes the classic Miner and Mortar combination. Being able to deploy a close-combat attack with a distant attack puts the perfect amount of pressure on your unsuspecting opponent.

What’s Great about this Deck

  • Uses The Log and Miner that you unlock in Arena 6.
  • The Miner/Mortar Combo lets you attack the enemy tower from both sides of the bridge.
  • All the cards in this deck are low cost. This makes it easy to spam your opponent, giving you plenty of opportunities to overwhelm them.
  • This deck has units that are effective against ground and air units.

How the Miner/Mortar Combo Deck is Played

  • The Miner and Mortar will be the center of your offensive strategy.
  • The Mortar’s reach lets you place the unit on your side of the bridge, turning it into an offensive building.
  • The Miner can dig undetected anywhere on the board, many players choosing to send it straight to the enemy tower.
  • Units like Spear Goblins, Goblin Barrel (which can also launch directly to the enemy tower, similar to the Miner), Bats, and Wizard can aid the offensive team or stick back to help defend your home base.
  • You will use The Log and Fireball primarily for defense, but if the opportunity presents itself, feel free to send them on over to the other side.


  • Spear Goblins
  • Miner
  • Goblin Barrel
  • Mortar
  • Fireball
  • Bats
  • Log
  • Wizard

Deck 4: Cloudy with a Chance of Spooky

[Top 10] Clash Royale Best Arena 6 Decks (7)

Are thoseminions falling from the sky?

This deck also utilizes various flying units. Even the Fireball soars through the sky on delivery. Adding some skeletons to the mix balances out the more airheaded troops. Nothing like somebody rising from the dead to put life into perspective.

What’s Great about this Deck

  • Uses the Balloon you unlock in Arena 6.
  • Uses primarily air units.
  • Aggressive and versatile offensive strategy.

How the Cloudy with a Chance of Spooky Deck is Played

  • The Lava Hound is the center of your offense, with the option to put the Balloon in its place. Either way, you will want to drop the card at the back of the board so you can regain some elixir while it travels to the enemy’s side.
  • Most likely you will want to use the Lava Hound as your primary attack. Once the enemy tower has locked onto your Lava Hound, you can either place your Balloon down to increase the pressure and velocity of the attack or you can place supporting units. What you do will depend on what your opponent defends with.
  • The Mega Minion, Minions, and Barbarians can aid your offensive push. They will kill any unit that attacks your Balloon or Lava Hound. They are also vital for defense.
  • Remember that both the Lava Hound and your Balloon only attack enemy buildings so they are defenseless.
  • You will use the Fireball and Zap as further support for offense and for slowing down attacking enemy troops.
  • Only use the Tombstone on defense. Do not deploy it unless your opponent is actively attacking you.


  • Minions
  • Balloon
  • Barbarians
  • Lava Hound
  • Mega Minion
  • Tombstone
  • Fireball
  • Zap

Deck 3: Stormy

[Top 10] Clash Royale Best Arena 6 Decks (8)

She put a spell on me.

Golem is one of the most powerful cards in Clash Royale. He only targets enemy buildings so is great for offense. Golem is incredibly slow, but his high HP makes up for it. When he is killed, he spawns two smaller Golems that continue his work. Golem is so amazing that he is the center of offense for the next three decks.

What’s Great about this Deck

  • Uses Golem on offense.
  • Uses the Baby Dragon/Tornado combo.
  • Uses a strong offensive and defensive strategy.

How the Stormy Deck is Played

  • Golem is the center of your offense.
  • He is expensive, so drop him at the back of the board.
  • Make sure that the enemy tower locks onto him before sending in supporting units. He acts like a meat shield for the rest of your troops.
  • Mini P.E.K.K.A. is best used on defense, especially against tank units.
  • Baby Dragon and Bomber both do splash damage so they can easily wipe out enemy troops as they support Golem in your offensive attack. Their splash damage is also useful for defense. You will use the rest of your cards as support units for offense and defense.
  • Use the Tornado/Baby Dragon combo on both defense and offense. The Tornado will gather all enemy troops into one place, then the Baby Dragon will use its splash damage to attack them all at once.
  • Lighting can finish off an enemy tower or to deal damage to an enemy tank unit.


  • Golem
  • Bomber
  • Baby Dragon
  • Mini P.E.K.K.A.
  • Mega Minion
  • Night Witch
  • Lightning
  • Tornado

Deck 2: Golem Central

[Top 10] Clash Royale Best Arena 6 Decks (9)

The stones really bring out the purple in his eyes.

The Golem is an intimidating card. It is intimidating to defend against, and it can be intimidating to put in your deck. When you use Golem correctly, you can use that intimidation factor to your advantage.

What’s Great about this Deck

  • Uses The Log you unlock in Arena 6.
  • Effective offensive and defensive options.
  • Versatile cards.

How the Golem Central Deck is Played

  • Golem is the center of your offensive strategy.
  • Golem is an expensive unit, so you will have to save up. You will also need to deploy Golem at the back of the board so you can build up more elixir as it approaches the bridge.
  • Golem pairs with the Miner and Goblin Barrel on offense. You will send both the Goblin Barrel and the Miner straight to your opponent’s tower. Let the enemy tower lock onto Golem and then send in the Miner and the Goblin Barrel. The two of these cards will do an impressive deal of damage while Golem distracts your opponent .
  • The Furnace complements Golem as well because it provides a constant stream of Fire Spirits that defend Golem against smaller air and ground units (e.g.: Minion Horde or Skeleton Army).
  • Like the previous deck, you have the option to attack both side towers at the same time.
  • All the other units are supportive units that you can use on defense and offense.


  • Golem
  • Baby Dragon
  • Miner
  • Bats
  • The Log
  • Wizard
  • Furnace
  • Zap

Deck 1: Skipping Stone

[Top 10] Clash Royale Best Arena 6 Decks (10)

Can this rock float?

This deck weaponizes the forces of nature. By controlling Tornado season and bringing stone to life, your opponent will not know what hit them.

What’s Great about this Deck

  • Uses The Log you unlock in Arena 6.
  • Uses the Golem unit for a strong offensive push.
  • This deck uses the Tornado/Baby Dragon combination. This is very effective for getting rid of enemy units on either offensive pushes or defensive stands.
  • You can use all the cards for offense and defense, giving you flexibility in your gameplay.

How the Skipping Stone Deck is Played

  • Golem is the center of your offense.
  • Golem is expensive, so you need to deploy him at the back of the field, near your tower. This gives you enough time to build up more elixir so you can deploy supporting units by the time Golem has crossed into enemy territory.
  • The Baby Dragon and Tornado spell make an impressive combination. You can use the Tornado spell to gather all enemy units together. The Tornado allows the Baby Dragon to use its splash damage to rain down fire on all enemy units at once.
  • Barbarian Barrel is like The Log; it can crush lower HP units on defense or offense. It also slows down attacking units.
  • Over 2/3rds of your cards can damage air units. Use this to your advantage in defense.


  • Tornado
  • Baby Dragon
  • Mega Minion
  • Archers
  • Golem
  • Zap
  • Spear Goblins
  • The Log

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[Top 10] Clash Royale Best Arena 6 Decks (2024)


What's the best deck for arena 6 in Clash Royale? ›

Best Arena 6 decks
  • RETRO Giant Hog Musk beatdown.
  • Arena 4: Inferno Valk bait.
  • Giant Tombstone.
  • Arena 1: Giant Goblin Cage.
  • A1 – Witch.
  • Arena 4: Battle Ram cycle.
  • Arena 1: Giant beatdown.
  • A1 – Goblin barrel.

What is Arena 6 called in clash Royale? ›

ArenaArena NumberTrophies Required
P.E.K.K.A's Playhouse61,600
Royal Arena72,000
Frozen Peak82,300
Jungle Arena92,600
20 more rows

How do you get Legendaries in Arena 6 clash Royale? ›

One way is by opening chests, especially the Super Magical and Legendary Chests. These chests have a higher chance of containing legendary cards. Playing in higher arenas, like Arena 6, increases your chances of finding them. Also, don't forget to check the shop; legendary cards appear there sometimes.

What is the number one best deck in clash Royale? ›

Clash Royale: 10 Best Decks, Ranked
  1. 1 Miner Poison 2.8 Cycle. Mohamad Light's Iconic High Ranking Deck.
  2. 2 Hog 2.6 Cycle. Longest Running Cheap Cycle Deck. ...
  3. 3 Hog 2.8 Cycle. The Hog Cycle Deck That Uses Two Evos. ...
  4. 4 Wall Breaker Miner Poison Cycle. ...
  5. 5 Giant Graveyard. ...
  6. 6 LumberLoon. ...
  7. 7 Lava Loon Deck. ...
  8. 8 Royal Giant Ghost. ...
Feb 24, 2024

What arena is 7000 trophies in Clash Royale? ›

Dragon Spa

Can you get a legendary from a silver chest? ›

Open silver, crown, gold, giant, magical, and clan chests.

All these chests have a small possibility of containing a legendary card.

Can I get legendary before arena 11? ›

Even before Arena 11, Legendary cards can occasionally appear in the shop for purchase with Gold or Gems. Also, participating in special events and challenges often leads to earning chests that have a higher chance of containing Legendary cards.

What age is Clash Royale for? ›

Also, under our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, you must be at least 13 years of age to play or download Clash Royale.

What arena is 5500 trophies in Clash Royale? ›

You can earn Champions by unlocking them through the Trophy Road. You'll get the Golden Knight and the Skeleton King once you've reached 5500 Trophies (Arena 16). At 6000 Trophies you unlock the Archer Queen and the Mighty Miner (Arena 17). Finally, once you get 6500 Trophies, the Monk is added to your collection.

Is Pekka good in Clash Royale? ›

A P.E.K.K.A can be quite helpful against a Double Prince push. While she would be overwhelmed alone, she can be combined with cheap distraction troops like Bats and stop such a push while keeping some of the P.E.K.K.A's hitpoints for a counterattack.

What does star level do? ›

Cards with more Star Levels have golden particle effects and golden clothing, armor, weapons, or other elements added to their sprites in battle. Star Levels do not have any effects on interactions; they are purely cosmetic. All non-Champion cards currently have at least one Star Level, with some having two or three.

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Author: Greg Kuvalis

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Author information

Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

Address: 53157 Trantow Inlet, Townemouth, FL 92564-0267

Phone: +68218650356656

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.