Trophies (2024)

Trophies (1)

Trophies (2)

Trophies (3)

“Trophies indicate your success in combat. Players gain or lose Trophies by either winning or losing battles!”

Trophies indicate a player's or Clan's skill rating. Players can gain or lose Trophies by either winning or losing battles. Trophies you gain are deducted from your opponent's trophy count. The amount of Trophies a player gains or loses is based on how much more or how much less Trophies the opponent has compared to theirs. If the opponent has more Trophies, then the player will lose less Trophies, and vice versa. Earning Trophies unlocks rewards via the Trophy Road, and unlocks new Arenas and cards.

Arena Unlocks

  • Arena 1, Goblin Stadium, is unlocked upon completing the tutorial.
  • 300 Trophies (4)unlocks Arena 2, Bone Pit.
  • 600 Trophies (5)unlocks Arena 3, Barbarian Bowl.
  • 1,000Trophies (6)unlocks Arena 4, Spell Valley.
  • 1,300Trophies (7)unlocks Arena 5, Builder's Workshop.
  • 1,600Trophies (8)unlocks Arena 6, P.E.K.K.A's Playhouse.
  • 2,000Trophies (9)unlocks Arena 7, Royal Arena.
  • 2,300Trophies (10)unlocks Arena 8, Frozen Peak.
  • 2,600 Trophies (11)unlocks Arena 9, Jungle Arena.
  • 3,000Trophies (12)unlocks Arena 10, Hog Mountain.
  • 3,400 Trophies (13)unlocks Arena 11, Electro Valley.
  • 3,800 Trophies (14)unlocks Arena 12, Spooky Town
  • 4,200 Trophies (15)unlocks Arena 13, Rascal's Hideout.
  • 4,600 Trophies (16)unlocks Arena 14, Serenity Peak.
  • 5,000 Trophies (17)unlocks Arena 15, Miner's Mine.
  • 5,500 Trophies (18)unlocks Arena 16, Executioner's Kitchen.
  • 6,000 Trophies (19)unlocks Arena 17, Royal Crypt.
  • 6,500 Trophies (20)unlocks Arena 18, Silent Sanctuary.
  • 7,000 Trophies (21)unlocks Arena 19, Dragon Spa.
  • 7,500 Trophies (22)unlocks Arena 20, Boot Camp.
  • 8,000 Trophies (23)unlocks Arena 21, Clash Fest.
  • 8,500 Trophies (24)unlocks Arena 22, PANCAKES!.
  • 9,000 Trophies (25)unlocks Arena 23, Legendary Arena.

Once a player unlocks an Arena, the player cannot be demoted to a lower one again, which means the player’s Trophies will not drop below the required amount of Trophies for that Arena. Unlocking an Arena will also grant the player a 24-hour Chest Speed-up Boost, which halves the waiting time required to open Chests.

Trophy Road

At various Trophy thresholds, players can accept rewards by tapping the Arena icon above the battling buttons. These rewards come in the form of Cards, Wild Cards, Chests, Trade Tokens, Gold, Gems, and Emotes. These rewards can only be claimed once. If a player reaches a Trophy threshold for a reward, but drops below the Trophy threshold before claiming it, they will not be able to claim the reward until they reach the required threshold again.

See Also

Trophy Road Statistics (0 - 9000)

The contents of each chest are based on the Arena the reward is unlocked in, not the player's current Arena.

Trophies (26)

Training Camp
0Trophies (27)
Trophies (28)Trophies (29)Trophies (30)
Trophies (31)Trophies (32)Trophies (33)
Trophies (34)Trophies (35)Trophies (36)
ArenaTrophy CountReward

Trophies (37)

Goblin Stadium
0-300Trophies (38)
Trophies (39)Trophies (40)Trophies (41)
Trophies (42)
50Trophies (43)Choice between Trophies (44) or Trophies (45) x10
100Trophies (46)Trophies (47)
150Trophies (48)Choice between Trophies (49) or Trophies (50) x4
200Trophies (51)

Trophies (52) x200

250Trophies (53)Trophies (54)

Trophies (55)

Bone Pit
300-600Trophies (56)
Trophies (57)Trophies (58)Trophies (59)
Trophies (60)
350Trophies (61)Choice between Trophies (62) or Trophies (63) x25
400Trophies (64)Trophies (65)
450Trophies (66)Choice between Trophies (67) or Trophies (68) x6
500Trophies (69)

Trophies (70) x400

550Trophies (71)

Trophies (72) x25

Trophies (73)

Barbarian Bowl
600-1000Trophies (74)
Trophies (75)Trophies (76)Trophies (77)
Trophies (78)
650Trophies (79)Choice between Trophies (80) or Trophies (81) x50
700Trophies (82)Trophies (83)
750Trophies (84)Choice between Trophies (85) or Trophies (86) x8
800Trophies (87)

Trophies (88) x600

850Trophies (89)Trophies (90)
900Trophies (91)

Trophies (92) x25

950Trophies (93)Trophies (94)

Trophies (95)

Spell Valley
1000-1300Trophies (96)
Trophies (97)Trophies (98)Trophies (99)
Trophies (100)Trophies (101)Trophies (102)
1,050Trophies (103)Trophies (104) x50
1,100Trophies (105)Trophies (106)
1,150Trophies (107)Choice between Trophies (108) or Trophies (109) x10
1,200Trophies (110)

Trophies (111) x800

1,250Trophies (112)Choice between Trophies (113) or Trophies (114) x50

Trophies (115)

Builder's Workshop
1300-1600Trophies (116)
Trophies (117)Trophies (118)Trophies (119)
Trophies (120)Trophies (121)Trophies (122)
1,350Trophies (123)Choice between Trophies (124) or Trophies (125) x50
1,400Trophies (126)Trophies (127)
1,450Trophies (128)Trophies (129) x10
1,500Trophies (130)Trophies (131) x1000
1,550Trophies (132)Choice between Trophies (133) or Trophies (134) x10

Trophies (135)

P.E.K.K.A.'s Playhouse
1600-2000Trophies (136)
Trophies (137)Trophies (138)Trophies (139)
Trophies (140)Trophies (141)Trophies (142)
1,650Trophies (143)Trophies (144) x50
1,700Trophies (145)Trophies (146)
1,750Trophies (147)Choice between Trophies (148) or Trophies (149) x1
1,800Trophies (150)Trophies (151) x1250
1,850Trophies (152)Choice between Trophies (153) or Trophies (154) x1
1,900Trophies (155)Trophies (156) x1500
1,950Trophies (157)Trophies (158)

Trophies (159)

Royal Arena
2000-2300Trophies (160)
Trophies (161)Trophies (162)Trophies (163)
Trophies (164)Trophies (165)Trophies (166)
Trophies (167)
2,050Trophies (168)Choice between Trophies (169) or Trophies (170) x50
2,100Trophies (171)Trophies (172)
2,150Trophies (173)Choice between Trophies (174) or Trophies (175) x10
2,200Trophies (176)Emote 59 - Trophies (177)
2,250Trophies (178)Trophies (179) x2

Trophies (180)

Frozen Peak
2300-2600Trophies (181)
Trophies (182)Trophies (183)Trophies (184)
Trophies (185)Trophies (186)Trophies (187)
Trophies (188)Trophies (189)
2,350Trophies (190)Choice between Trophies (191) or Trophies (192) x50
2,400Trophies (193)Trophies (194)
2,450Trophies (195)Trophies (196) x10
2,500Trophies (197)Trophies (198) x1750
2,550Trophies (199)Choice between Trophies (200) or Trophies (201) x2

Trophies (202)

Jungle Arena
2600-3000Trophies (203)
Trophies (204)Trophies (205)Trophies (206)
Trophies (207)Trophies (208)Trophies (209)
Trophies (210)
2,650 Trophies (211)Trophies (212) x50
2,700 Trophies (213)Trophies (214)
2,750 Trophies (215)Choice between Trophies (216) or Trophies (217) x10
2,800 Trophies (218)Trophies (219) x2000
2,850 Trophies (220)Choice between Trophies (221) or Trophies (222) x2
2,900 Trophies (223)

Trophies (224) x25

2,950 Trophies (225)Trophies (226)

Trophies (227)

Hog Mountain
3000-3400Trophies (228)
Trophies (229)Trophies (230)Trophies (231)
Trophies (232)Trophies (233)Trophies (234)
Trophies (235)Trophies (236)
3,050 Trophies (237)Choice between Trophies (238) or Trophies (239) x50
3,100 Trophies (240)Trophies (241)
3,150 Trophies (242)Trophies (243) x10
3,200 Trophies (244)Trophies (245) x2250
3,250 Trophies (246)Choice between Trophies (247) or Trophies (248) x2
3,300 Trophies (249)Trophies (250) x2500
3,350 Trophies (251)Trophies (252) x2

Trophies (253)

Electro Valley
3400-3800Trophies (254)
Trophies (255)Trophies (256)Trophies (257)
Trophies (258)Trophies (259)Trophies (260)
Trophies (261)Trophies (262)Trophies (263)
3,450 Trophies (264)Trophies (265) x2
3,500Trophies (266)Trophies (267)
3,550Trophies (268)Trophies (269) x10
3,600Trophies (270)Trophies (271) x2750
3,650Trophies (272)Trophies (273)
3,700Trophies (274)Trophies (275) x3000
3,750 Trophies (276)Trophies (277)

Trophies (278)

Spooky Town
3800-4200Trophies (279)
Trophies (280)Trophies (281)Trophies (282)
Trophies (283)Trophies (284)Trophies (285)
Trophies (286)Trophies (287)
3,850Trophies (288)Trophies (289) x50
3,900Trophies (290)Trophies (291) x3250
3,950Trophies (292)Choice between Trophies (293) or Trophies (294) x2
4,000Trophies (295)Emote 92 - Trophies (296)
4,050Trophies (297)

Trophies (298) x25

4,100Trophies (299)Trophies (300) x3500
4,150Trophies (301)Trophies (302)

Trophies (303)

Rascal's Hideout
4200-4600Trophies (304)
Trophies (305)Trophies (306)Trophies (307)
Trophies (308)Trophies (309)Trophies (310)
Trophies (311)
4,250Trophies (312)Choice between Trophies (313) or Trophies (314) x100
4,300Trophies (315)Trophies (316)
4,350Trophies (317)Trophies (318) x3750
4,400Trophies (319)Choice between Trophies (320) or Trophies (321) x2
4,450Trophies (322)Trophies (323) x4000
4,500Trophies (324)Trophies (325) x5
4,550Trophies (326)Trophies (327)

Trophies (328)

Serenity Peak
4600-5000Trophies (329)
Trophies (330)Trophies (331)Trophies (332)
Trophies (333)Trophies (334)Trophies (335)
Trophies (336)
4,650Trophies (337)Trophies (338) x100
4,700Trophies (339)Emote 198 - Trophies (340)
4,750Trophies (341)Trophies (342) x4250
4,800Trophies (343)Choice between Trophies (344) or Trophies (345) x2
4,850Trophies (346)Trophies (347) x4500
4,900Trophies (348)Trophies (349)
4,950Trophies (350)Trophies (351) x1

Trophies (352)

Miner's Mine
5000-5500Trophies (353)
Trophies (354)Trophies (355)Trophies (356)
Trophies (357)Trophies (358)Trophies (359)
Trophies (360)Trophies (361)
5,050Trophies (362)Trophies (363) x100
5,100Trophies (364)Trophies (365) x4750
5,150Trophies (366)Trophies (367) x25
5,200Trophies (368)Choice between Trophies (369) or Trophies (370) x3
5,350Trophies (371)Trophies (372) x5000
5,400Trophies (373)Trophies (374) x25
5,450Trophies (375)Trophies (376) x5

Trophies (377)

Executioner's Kitchen
5500-6000Trophies (378)
Trophies (379)Trophies (380)
5,600Trophies (381)Trophies (382) x5500
5,675Trophies (383)Trophies (384)
5,750Trophies (385)Trophies (386) x25
5,825Trophies (387)Trophies (388) x1
5,900Trophies (389)Trophies (390) x6000

Trophies (391)

Royal Crypt
6000-6500Trophies (392)
Trophies (393)Trophies (394)
6,050Trophies (395)Trophies (396) x150
6,100Trophies (397)Trophies (398)
6,150Trophies (399)Trophies (400) x25
6,200Trophies (401)Trophies (402) x6500
6,350Trophies (403)Trophies (404) x25
6,400Trophies (405)Trophies (406)
6,450Trophies (407)Trophies (408) x5

Trophies (409)

Silent Sanctuary
6500-7000Trophies (410)
Trophies (411)Trophies (412)
6,600Trophies (413)Trophies (414) x7000
6,675Trophies (415)Trophies (416)
6,750Trophies (417)Trophies (418) x25
6,825Trophies (419)Trophies (420) x1
6,900Trophies (421)Trophies (422) x7500

Trophies (423)

Dragon Spa
7000-7500Trophies (424)
No cards unlock on this arena.
7,050Trophies (425)Trophies (426) x200
7,100Trophies (427)Trophies (428)
7,150Trophies (429)Trophies (430) x25
7,200Trophies (431)Trophies (432) x8000
7,350Trophies (433)Trophies (434) x5
7,400Trophies (435)Trophies (436) x25
7,450Trophies (437)Trophies (438) x1

Trophies (439)

Boot Camp
7500-8000Trophies (440)
No cards unlock on this arena.
7,600Trophies (441)Trophies (442) x250
7,675Trophies (443)Trophies (444) x8500
7,750Trophies (445)Trophies (446) x1
7,825Trophies (447)Trophies (448) x25
7,900Trophies (449)Trophies (450) x30

Trophies (451)

Clash Fest
8000-8500Trophies (452)
No cards unlock on this arena.
8,100Trophies (453)Trophies (454) x9000
8,175Trophies (455)Trophies (456) x1
8,250Trophies (457)Trophies (458) x25
8,325Trophies (459)Trophies (460) x10
8,400Trophies (461)Trophies (462)

Trophies (463)

8500-9000Trophies (464)
No cards unlock on this arena.
8,600Trophies (465)Trophies (466) x9500
8,675Trophies (467)Trophies (468) x1
8,750Trophies (469)Trophies (470) x25
8,825Trophies (471)Trophies (472) x1
8,900Trophies (473)Trophies (474) x10000

Trophies (475)

Legendary Arena
9000Trophies (476)
No cards unlock on this arena.

Tournament Trophies

This section describes content that has been replaced or removed from the game. This information is kept here for historical purposes.
Main article: Tournament
  • This type of Trophy formerly appeared only in Custom Tournaments. It was used in a similar fashion to regular Trophies, but could only be gained or lost within Custom Tournaments.
  • At the end of the Custom Tournament, players with more Tournament Trophies would be rewarded with bigger Tournament Chests.

Legend Trophies

This section describes content that has been replaced or removed from the game. This information is kept here for historical purposes.

Trophies (477)

Legend Trophies could be obtained above 3000 Trophies (478)at the end of every season. Any Trophies above 3000 would be converted to Legend Trophies and added to the Player's Profile. Legend Trophies added up after each season. This system was replaced by Leagues in the March 2017 Update. However, any players who may have achieved Legend Trophies before had the amount they achieved shown in their profile, until the December 2018 Update, which removed them in exchange for an exclusive Emote (see History below).


This section describes content that has been replaced or removed from the game. This information is kept here for historical purposes.
  • Leagues were a special feature that unlocked upon reaching 5,000 Trophies (479).
  • The season reset on the first Monday of each month.
  • At the end of each season, players in a League lost a certain percentage of their Trophies above 5,000. The percentage depends on what League the player finished in.
    • In the Challenger Leagues, the reset percentage was 50%.
    • In the Master Leagues, the reset percentage was 40%.
    • In the Champion Leagues, the reset percentage was 30%.
  • Unlike Arenas, players could drop from a higher League to a lower one.
  • Leagues were removed in the 2022 Quarter 3 Update, being moved to the new Path of Legends system.

League Statistics

LeagueTrophy Requirement

Trophies (480)

Challenger I5,000 Trophies (481)

Trophies (482)

Challenger II5,300 Trophies (483)

Trophies (484)

Challenger III5,600 Trophies (485)

Trophies (486)

Master I6,000 Trophies (487)

Trophies (488)

Master II6,300 Trophies (489)

Trophies (490)

Master III6,600 Trophies (491)

Trophies (492)

Champion7,000 Trophies (493)

Trophies (494)

Grand Champion7,300 Trophies (495)

Trophies (496)

Royal Champion7,600 Trophies (497)

Trophies (498)

Ultimate Champion8,000+ Trophies (499)



  • Trophies were added with Clash Royale's game launch on 4/1/2016.
  • On 2/2/2016 the February 2016 Update,added the Legendary Arena, which unlock at 3,000 Trophies (500), as well as Legend Trophies.
  • On 29/2/2016 the March 2016 Update, added a new Arena, Builder's Workshop, which unlocks at 1,700 Trophies (501), and pushed the lower limit of Royal Arena to 2,000 Trophies (502).
  • On 11/4/2016, a maintenance break, fixed an issue where some players would not recieve Legendary Trophies after the season reset.
  • On 10/5/2016, a maintenance break, fixed an issue where some players would not get reset back to 3,000 Trophies (503) after the season reset.
  • On 23/5/2016, a maintenance break, fixed the issue of the end of season Trophies of some players.
  • On 31/5/2016, a maintenance break, fixed the issue of the end of season Trophies.
  • On 3/6/2016, a maintenance break, fixed the issue of the end of season Trophies of some players.
  • On 4/7/2016, the Tournaments Update, added a new Arena, Frozen Peak, which unlocks at 2,300 Trophies (504).
  • On 15/8/2016, a Minor Update, increased the Trophy infusion level to 2,000 from 1,000. This meant that up to 2,000 Trophies (505), the winner would gain more trophies than the loser lost. Above this point, the Trophies won by the winner would be equal to the Trophies lost by the loser.
  • On 29/8/2016, a Minor Update increased the Seasonal Trophy reset from 3,000 to 4,000, in an effort to decrease the number of mismatches, where for example a Level 9 player is matched against a Level 13.


  • On 13/1/2017, a new Arena, the Jungle Arena, was added, which unlocks at 2,600 Trophies (506).
  • On 13/3/2017, the March 2017 Update, added a new Legendary Arena at 3,800 Trophies (507) and renamed the old Legendary Arena to Hog Mountain. Leagues were also added to the game which start from 4,000Trophies (508) with the last League being at 6,400Trophies (509). The Trophy reset was also changed so that every players would depend on their League instead of being set to 4,000Trophies (510) for all players. It also made it so that Legendary Trophies would no longer accumulate.
  • On 12/12/2017, the Electrifying Update, added a new Arena, Electro Valley, which unlocks at 3,400 Trophies (511).


  • On 20/6/2018, the Summer 2018 Update, changed the reset system of the Leagues with each player's reset point now dependent on the player's Trophies rather than their Leagues.
  • On 5/12/2018, the December 2018 Update, removed the Legend Trophies from players who had them, but to compensate, players who had them received Gold and an exclusive Royal Ghost Emote.


  • On 28/1/2019, the January 2019 Update, added a new Arena, Spooky Town, which unlocks at 3,600 Trophies (512). It also changed the Trophy requirement for some Arenas.
  • On 15/4/2019, the April 2019 Update, added the Trophy Road, the Royal Champion League at 6,700 Trophies (513), and moved the Ultimate Champion Trophy requirement to 7,000 Trophies (514). It also changed the reset system of the Leagues with each player's reset point now being 25% of their Trophies above 4,000 instead of 50%.
  • On 6/5/2019, a Balance Update, reverted the previous change, making each player's reset point now being 50% of their Trophies above 4,000 instead of 25%. The Trophy Road rewards above 4,000 were also slightly changed.
  • Starting from 1/7/2019 with the July 2019 Update, Trophy Road rewards would change depending on the Season.
  • On 1/8/2019, a Minor Update, fixed an issue for Trophy Road progression indicator sometimes showing the incorrect value.
  • On 30/9/2019, the End of September 2019 Update, fixed a bug where players would experience a Season Trophy reset when they first reached the Trophy Leagues. It also fixed an issue where the UI did not refresh correctly on the Pass reward track after closing the Trophy Road.


  • On 28/2/2020, a maintenance break, changed the reset system of the Leagues with each player's reset point now being 75% of their Trophies above 4,000 instead of 50%. This change was reverted on 6/4/2020, in a Balance Update.
  • On 4/12/2020, a maintenance break, increased the amount of Trophies that a player would lose after losing a battle.


  • On 7/1/2021, a maintenance break, decreased the amount of Trophies that a player would lose after losing a battle at 4,000 to 6,000 Trophies (515).
  • On 1/2/2021, the February 2021 Update, changed the reset system of the Leagues with each player's reset point now being 75% of their Trophies above 4,000 instead of 50%. This change was reverted on 1/3/2021, in the March 2021 Update.
  • On 25/2/2021, a maintenance break, changed the matchmaking system by considering King Level into the equation, prioritizing matches within 1 Level of King Level as opponents for players.
  • On 17/3/2021, a maintenance break, made it so that the matchmaking changes introduced on 25/2/2021 no longer apply above 5,000 Trophies (516).
  • On 7/6/2021, the Summer 2021 Update, added 2 new Arenas; Rascal's Hideout, from Season 10 of Pass Royale, which unlocks at 4,200 Trophies (517), and Serenity Peak, from Season 7 of Pass Royale, which unlocks at 4,600 Trophies (518). The trophy requirement for each League was increased by 1,000, and the Trophy Road was expanded accordingly. The seasonal Trophy reset mechanics for players in Leagues were also updated, and the amount of trophies that a player would lose in the Challenger leagues was decreased.


  • On 26/10/2022, the 2022 Quarter 3 Update, added 5 new Arenas; Miner's Mine, from Season 34 of Pass Royale, which unlocks at 5,000 Trophies (519), Executioner's Kitchen, from Season 27 of Pass Royale, which unlocks at 5,500 Trophies (520), Royal Crypt, from Season 17 of Pass Royale, which unlocks at 6,000 Trophies (521), Silent Sanctuary, a new Arena, which unlocks at 6,500 Trophies (522), and Dragon Spa, from Season 11 of Pass Royale, which unlocks at 7,000 Trophies (523). The update also removed Leagues, moving them to a separate Path of Legends that was introduced the same update.
  • On 22/12/2022, a maintenance break, made some matchmaking improvements.


  • On 19/6/2023, the Card Evolution Update, added 3 new Arenas; Boot Camp, from Season 46 of Pass Royale, which unlocks at 7,500 Trophies (524), Clash Fest, from Season 39 of Pass Royale, which unlocks at 8,000 Trophies (525), and PANCAKES!, from Season 37 of Pass Royale, which unlocks at 8,500 Trophies (526).
  • On 30/6/2023, a maintenance break, fixed an issue where Trophy Road rewards were resetting for some players.
  • On 13/12/2023, the Tower Troop Update, slightly changed the Trophy Road rewards in Arena 13.


  • Trophies function similarly to those of the same name in Clash of Clans.
  • Just like the Trophy Leagues in Clash of Clans, it is impossible to have a negative Trophy count. If you win a match while your opponent has 0 Trophies, you will still gain 30 Trophies or less, while the opponent loses nothing.
  • As of March 2024, from 0 to 9000 trophies, you are getting: 1.385 Common cards (1.000 are Wild Cards), 203 Rare cards (145 are Wild Cards), 51 Epic cards (34 are Wild Cards), 6 Legendary cards (all are wild cards), 2 Champion cards (all are wild cards), 130.000 Gold, 325 Gems, 8 Gold Chests, 1 Silver Chest, 2 Giant Chests, 2 Magical Chests, 3 Giant Chests, 2 Lightning Chests, 3 Legendary Chests, 1 Legendary Kings Chest, 4 Champion Chests, and 3 Emotes.
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GeneralAbout CardsCard OverviewsBattle Decks
Troop CardsCommonMinionsArchers(Evolution)Knight(Evolution)Spear GoblinsGoblinsBomber(Evolution)Skeletons(Evolution)Barbarians(Evolution)Electro SpiritSkeleton DragonsFire SpiritBats(Evolution)Royal Recruits(Evolution)Royal Giant(Evolution)Ice Spirit(Evolution)Skeleton BarrelGoblin GangElite BarbariansMinion HordeFirecracker(Evolution)Rascals
RareMini P.E.K.K.A.MusketeerGiantValkyrie(Evolution)Mega MinionBattle Ram(Evolution)Wizard(Evolution)Flying MachineHog RiderRoyal HogsThree MusketeersBattle HealerIce GolemDart GoblinZappiesHeal SpiritElixir GolemGoblin Demolisher
EpicGuardsBaby DragonSkeleton ArmyWitchP.E.K.K.A.Dark PrincePrinceBalloonGiant SkeletonGoblin Giant(Evolution)HunterGolemElectro DragonWall Breakers(Evolution)Electro GiantBowlerExecutionerCannon CartRaging Prince+
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Trophies (2024)


Which is trophies? ›

A trophy is a prize, for example a silver cup, that is given to the winner of a competition or race. Trophy is used in the names of some competitions and races in which the winner receives a trophy.

Why are trophies called trophies? ›

Trophy comes from the Greek word tropē, meaning "a turning, defeat of the enemy." It later came to mean "a monument of victory," which it still celebrates today.

Are trophies still a thing? ›

Today, the most common trophies are much less expensive, and thus much more pervasive, thanks to mass-produced plastic/resin trophies.

Are trophies worth money? ›

Are old trophies worth anything? If the trophies are considered collectibles or antiques or are made of real gold or silver, they will be very valuable. Otherwise, trophies that are made of plain metal are not worth much.

Is it trophy or trophies? ›

The plural form of trophy is trophies. Find more words! The room was stuffed to the gills with trophies and plaques and mementos of the greatest baseball team that ever existed. Kathleen and Michael loved music and dancing and were the recipients of many trophies for waltzing and the quick step.

What do you call trophies? ›

trophy (noun as in physical award) Strongest matches. citation crown cup decoration gold keepsake medal memento prize souvenir. Strong matches. booty guerdon laurels memorial palm reminder ribbon spoils token.

What does trophies mean slang? ›

a symbol of success that is used to impress others: He bought the lavish home as a trophy. a carving, painting, or other representation of objects associated with or symbolic of victory or achievement. any memento or memorial.

What is 4 trophies called? ›

Four titles in one season

Some clubs have won four competitions in a single season. This has sometimes been called a 'quadruple'.

What is 5 trophies called? ›

In the 2010s, the terms quadruple, quintuple, and sextuple were sometimes used to refer to four, five, and six trophies in a single season.

What does "trophy wife" mean? ›

Meaning of trophy wife in English

a young, attractive woman who is the wife of a rich and successful older person and acts as a symbol of the person's social position: I'm not going to marry a rich man and be a trophy wife. Many men seek out younger trophy wives.

What is trophy killing? ›

Trophy hunting is the unethical practice of killing wildlife for entertainment to obtain the animal's body or its parts, such as head, teeth, horns or tails, for display as a trophy.

Why shouldn't everyone get a trophy? ›

2. Promotes Narcissism. Participation trophies let every child feel like they are the best, even if they aren't exceptionally skilled at that sport or competition. Overvaluing a student can lead to a false sense of confidence, which can strongly inhibit them in life.

How do I get rid of trophies? ›

If you want to recycle trophies, try the Nationwide Trophy Recycling Program, a Wisconsin-based nonprofit that recycles them by rebuilding the parts into new trophies, which are then donated. Some donation centers, such as Goodwill and Salvation Army, also accept old trophies.

Does anyone buy trophies? ›

If you don't care if the trophies are reused and given to charities, you can donate your trophies to Good Will or St. Vincent DePaul. They will sell your trophies. ~How do we recycle our trophies?

What are the 4 trophies? ›

For a club to win a quadruple it means that they have won four trophies in a single season. For example, if a team has won the Premier League, FA Cup, League Cup and Champions League, they have won the quadruple.

What is winning 3 trophies called? ›

A domestic treble involves winning three national competitions—including the league title, the primary cup competition, and one secondary competition, such as a secondary cup.

What are major trophies? ›

Major trophies include Division One/ Premier League titles, FA Cup, League Cup, European Cup/ Champions League, UEFA Cup/ Europa Cup, Cup Winners' Cup, Inter-Cities Fairs Cup, UEFA Super Cup, Club World Cup and Inter-Continental Cup.

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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

Phone: +22014484519944

Job: Banking Officer

Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.