UK riots latest: Countries issue 'travel alerts' and safety warnings to citizens over disorder (2024)

Key points
  • Starmer announces 'army' of special officers to tackle riots after week of far-right and anti-immigrant disorder
  • Explained:Why are people rioting?|Everywhere riots have broken out - and what happened where
  • Countries issue 'travel alerts' and safety warnings to citizens over UK riots
  • Asylum-seekers 'slept in woods' to escape rioters
  • Watch:Met boss grabs journalist's mic after 'two-tier policing' question
  • Watch:Anti-racist protesters chase rioters
  • Riot thief swears at judge in court after attack in cells
  • Live reporting by Ollie Cooper


More than 370 arrests so far - and likely to rise

Police have nearly 400 arrests linked to violent disorder across the UK, with that number set to rise with each day.

"So far 378 arrests have been made and we expect that total to rise each day as forces continue to identify those involved and continue to apprehend those responsible," Gavin Stephens, chairman of the National Police Chiefs' Council, has said.

"Work is going on around the clock to do this and those involved will be brought to justice."

He also sought to ease fears that violence could continue or escalate, saying police were prepared.

"I want to reassure the public that a united and robust policing response is in place across the country and we are doing all we can to tackle this disorder and keep you safe.


Tense situation in Birmingham as Muslim community looks to 'defend' streets

Tensions are high in one of Britain's biggest cities this evening, our communities correspondent Becky Johnson reports.

"There's a pretty tense situation developing here in Birmingham," she says.

In Bordesley Green, an inner-city area, crowds of Muslim men, some in balaclavas, have gathered - they say - to defend the streets from potential far-right action.

"I was speaking earlier to one of the community activists who has helped to plan all of this," Becky says.

"He said he has a WhatsApp group of over a thousand members of the Muslim community here in Birmingham who want to get out on the streets, they say, to protect, to defend their community."

"He was at pains to say to me that he is trying to calm the anger."

As she's speaking, some of the men shout at her and her camera crew.

"The media are clearly not very welcome here," she says.

She's forced off-air after some come over on bikes and start shouting and swearing at the camera.


Eerie feeling in Plymouth ahead of rival protests tonight

By Dan Whitehead, West of England correspondent

4.30pm in the centre of Plymouth, and there's an eerie, quiet feeling.

It's the middle of the summer holidays, but shops and pulling down the shutters - cafes bringing in tables.

The Theatre Royal, one of the South West's biggest venues, has closed and cancelled tonight's performance.

Buses are diverted, the library has closed.

There are two planned protests tonight, one against illegal migration, the other organised by Stand Up to Racism.

But they're happening in the same place - an hour apart.

At the moment, police-wise, all I can see is one riot van.

Plenty more are on standby.

Devon and Cornwall Police Assistant Chief Constable Glen Mayhew says they are prepared: "Residents, visitors, and local businesses can expect to see an increased policing presence in the area as a result of this.

"We understand the right to protest, but some protests have resulted in disorder and such conduct will not be tolerated.

"We are fully prepared to respond to incidents of disorder."

Locals, business leaders, MPs have all urged calm in the city - no one wants a repeat of scenes elsewhere over the weekend.


Man admits punching officer in face during Southport riot

Hundreds of people have been arrested in response to riots across the country.Dozens of them have appeared in court today, met with additional prosecutors, as the judiciary attempts to meet Sir Keir Starmer's demand for swift justice.

Home affairs reporter Henry Vaughanwas at Liverpool Magistrates' Court, where some of those cases were heard. Here's his latest report...

A man has admitted punching a police officer in the face during a riot in Southport as members of his family wept in court.

Derek Drummond, 58, from Southport pleaded guilty to violent disorder and assault of emergency worker, PC Thomas Ball, last Tuesday.

Liverpool Magistrates' Court heard PC Ball was deployed to the Merseyside town after the deaths of three young girls at a dance studio.

He was stationed at the mosque when around 300 people who were "very aggressive" began marching towards it, chanting "this is our f***ing country", said prosecutor Joshua Sanderson-Kirk.

Officers had to withdraw as they feared becoming overwhelmed, while the protesters moved forward shouting: "England till I die," the court heard.

PC Ball was trying to protect his colleagues as they put their riot gear on, while Drummond called them "sh*thouses" and punched the officer in the face, the prosecutor said.

Body-worn video footage captured the incident, which left the officer with cuts and bruises while Drummond was struck with a baton.

The prosecutor said he was part of the group which began throwing bricks, having broken down a garden wall, although the court heard he denies throwing bricks himself.

Drummond was remanded in custody ahead of sentencing at Liverpool Crown Court on 29 August.

As he left the dock, he spoke to two female family members, who were in tears throughout the hearing.

Read more snapshots from court by Henry here:



One child remains in hospital after Southport attack

One child remains in hospital a week on from the stabbing attack in Southport, Merseyside Police have said.

All of the other patients have been discharged.

Last Monday, Alice Dasilva Aguiar, nine, Bebe King, six, and Elsie Dot Stancombe, seven, were killed in an attack at a Taylor Swift-themed dance class in Southport.

Eight other children and two adults were also injured.


GP staff told to travel in groups after reports of attacks on healthcare workers

GP staff have been urged to "remain vigilant, particularly when travelling to and from work" after reports of attacks on healthcare workers.

The Royal College of GPs said there had been "horrific and unacceptable" abuse and violence towards healthcare workers, "especially those from ethnic minorities" in recent days.

It urged staff to travel in groups to avoid areas where there is known unrest.

The college also said it was imperative that any abuse or violence its members encounter should report it immediately.


Everywhere riots and protests have broken out - and what happened where

In the past week, riots and protests have broken out across the country, with fears the violence could escalate.

The prime minister has branded the rallies "pure violence", not protest, with attacks on mosques and Muslim communities.

Here we zoom out to give you an overview of the areas affected so far.


Wednesday: MP Alex Baker described violence and intimidating behaviour in her community, after objects were hurled outside a hotel housing asylum-seekers and people were subjected to racial abuse.


Saturday:Fireworks were thrown as police attempted to deal with a confrontation between anti-racist protesters and an anti-Islamic rally. Rioters burned a cafe, supermarket and a number of cars. Approximately 800 people were involved.


Saturday:Skirmishes broke out between far-right rioters and punks attending the Rebellion festival, with bottles and chairs being thrown and wood wielded. One man was knocked unconscious.

Items were thrown at police vehicles as a police dog tore a flag from two protesters' arms and then tackled a man.


Sunday:Rival groups clashed, with fireworks, tiles and bottles thrown in the town centre, with many people wearing balaclavas despite a police order that they be removed.


Saturday:A "violent group" brought "unacceptable disorder and violence to the streets of Bristol", police and crime commissioner Clare Moody said.

Police divided a group organised under the social media tags "enough is enough" and "stop the boats", and another group protesting the far-right.


Wednesday:Police in Hartlepool were attacked with missiles, glass bottles and eggs, Cleveland Police said. A police car was set alight during the violence.


Saturday:Videos on social media showed shops in Hull city centre looted and on fire. The windows of a hotel which has been used to house migrants was smashed. At least three police officers were injured.


Saturday:Around 150 people carrying St George flags shouting "You’re not English any more" were greatly outnumbered in Leeds by hundreds of counter-protesters shouting "Nazi scum off our streets".


Saturday:Merseyside Police said a number of officers were injured during "serious disorder", with one officer being hit on the head by a chair.

Bricks, bottles and a flare were also thrown at officers as they lined The Strand in the city centre, smashing a police van's windscreen.

At one point, a group of men with masks and hoods up appeared to charge police officers, with one kicked and knocked off his motorcycle by a demonstrator.


Wednesday:Demonstrators were seen launching beer cans and glass bottles at a line of police in riot gear in front of Downing Street - throwing flares onto the statue of Winston Churchill in Parliament Square.

Rioters also clashed with officers in Whitehall.


Saturday and Sunday: Demonstrators turned out in large numbers outside the Holiday Inn hotel, the Manchester Evening News reported.

Greater Manchester Police said it arrested 19 people over the weekend relating to several alleged offences, including criminal damage and violent disorder.


Sunday: A "staggering" surge of violence led to 55 people being arrested, police said.

Rioters smashed the windows of houses and cars and hurled objects at officers, with one seen shouting a racial slur and another telling police: "It's our f****** country."

There was significant damage to the court, the university and a number of other buildings.

Around 300 people gathered in front of a mosque to guard it.


Sunday: Masked rioters launched lengths of wood and sprayed fire extinguishers at police officers outside a Holiday Inn Express housing asylum-seekers, before lighting fires, smashing their way inside and destroying a communal area.


Wednesday: Eight people were arrested and seven weapons seized after violence and disorder on Southend seafront.


Tuesday: Police officers in Southport suffered serious injuries when bricks, stones and bottles were thrown and cars were set alight during violent protests. 53 officers and three police dogs injured.


Saturday: Arrests were made after a protest turned to disorder, with objects thrown and three officers assaulted as they tried to disperse a large crowd.


Friday: Crowds of far-right rioters set fire to a police building and an overturned car. Officers were attacked with fire extinguishers, bricks and other objects.


Sunday: At a Holiday Inn hotel where reports suggested asylum seekers were also being housed, fires were started, windows smashed and missiles thrown at officers, Staffordshire Police said.


Sunday: Two police officers were injured as two groups gathered to protest, one punched in the face, while three men were arrested.


Devon and Cornwall Police 'increasing presence' in Plymouth

Two groups are preparing a "demonstration" in Plymouth this evening, according to Devon and Cornwall Police.

Glen Mayhew, the force's assistant chief constable, says he is "increasing our presence in the city centre" tonight due to information they have received.

"Residents, visitors, and local businesses can expect to see an increased policing presence in the area as a result of this," he says.

"We are fully prepared to respond to incidents of disorder, and we have the resources in place to deal with these incidents to ensure that there is minimal disruption to the local community."

The force says updates will be put out on social media.


Why recent violence is 'unusual' - even for riots

The violent behaviour witnessed across the UK in the past week is "unusual" and "uncommon" even for riots, according to a psychologist specialising in crowd behaviour.

While most riots tend to have a "trigger" moment, this time there is an existing preparedness for violent action among some from the outset, says Dr Chris co*cking, of the University of Brighton.

"A library in Liverpool was attacked and then the firefighters who came to put out the fire were also attacked. That's uncommon in riots."

He speculated: "Perhaps it's because people feel so disenfranchised and alienated from their communities that they are engaging in what is quite clearly very nihilistic behaviour - and trashing resources in that community."

Speaking after the library attack in Liverpool, one woman has described her shock at finding out "how many racist friends I have" as she sent a message of support to anyone targeted by riots:

UK riots latest: Countries issue 'travel alerts' and safety warnings to citizens over disorder (2024)


UK riots latest: Countries issue 'travel alerts' and safety warnings to citizens over disorder? ›

The United Arab Emirates, Nigeria, Malaysia, Indonesia and Australia have all warned their citizens visiting or living in the U.K. that parts of the country currently present serious safety risks as unrest, initially sparked by anti-immigration protests, continues to spread throughout England and Northern Ireland.

Which countries have issued travel warnings to the UK? ›

Several countries have issued safety warnings to their citizens in the UK due to ongoing anti-immigration protests and riots. Nigeria, Malaysia, Australia, Indonesia, the UAE and India have all sent out alerts, advising their nationals living in or visiting the UK to stay away from demonstrations.

What caused UK riots? ›

Initially, the unrest was triggered by misinformation spread about the identity of a teenager who has been arrested over the deaths of three children in a mass knife attack in the northern town of Southport on July 29. It was incorrectly suggested that he was a Muslim and an immigrant.

What do riots do? ›

Riots typically involve destruction of property, public or private. The property targeted varies depending on the riot and the inclinations of those involved. Targets can include shops, cars, restaurants, state-owned institutions, and religious buildings. Riots often occur in reaction to a grievance or out of dissent.

Which countries can UK citizens not travel to? ›

List of Countries Requiring Visas for United Kingdom Citizens
  • Chad.
  • Iran.
  • North Korea.
  • Russia.
  • Yemen.

Is it still safe to travel to UK? ›

We advise: Exercise a high degree of caution in the UK due to the threat of terrorism.

When was the last riot in the UK? ›

Sir Keir Starmer was the chief prosecutor of England and Wales during the last major outbreak of civil unrest in the UK in 2011, overseeing the prosecution of thousands of people involved in five days of rioting. Rapid and well-publicised action by the courts was key in bringing the unrest to an end, he said then.

Why were riots breaking out in England in response to these new machines? ›

Prompted by a decline in the prices of agricultural produce and wages, the introduction of threshing machines, and an influx of Irish labour, the rioters wished to restore their standard of living. Most of the 'Swing Riots' took place in rural south and south east England, but some took place elsewhere.

What was the Riot Act in England? ›

The Act allowed local officials to read a proclamation ordering illegally assembled groups of more than twelve people to disperse. Refusal to disperse was a felony offence which carried the death penalty. It is from this we get the phrase 'reading the Riot Act'.

What is the main reason for riots? ›

Triggers tend to be acts of authority deemed outrageously unfair or acts in which it seems that authority has failed, such as a rigged election, a corrupt jury or a labor boss ignoring federal safety standards.

Why did the riots start? ›

The unrest began after three young girls were stabbed to death at a dance class in the English town of Southport. A false rumor that the attacker was a Muslim asylum-seeker quickly spread online, and days of violence followed.

What is the difference between riots and protests? ›

A protest is peaceful, organized, and controlled. There is no purposeful violence or destruction of property. A riot disturbs the peace and involves violent crime. There is violent or destructive intent, whether or not that intent was present at the event's outset.

What are the red countries on the UK travel list? ›

01 Feb 2022
  • There are currently no countries on the UK red list.
  • Even if a country is not on the UK red list, the FCDO may still advise against travel to that country due to the increased risk of COVID-19.
Feb 1, 2022

What countries are on the no-travel list? ›

Learn about your destination
AdvisoryLevelDate Updated
Lebanon Travel AdvisoryLevel 4: Do Not TravelJuly 31, 2024
Liberia Travel AdvisoryLevel 2: Exercise Increased CautionJuly 31, 2023
Libya Travel AdvisoryLevel 4: Do Not TravelAugust 1, 2024
Madagascar Travel AdvisoryLevel 2: Exercise Increased CautionJuly 31, 2023
144 more rows

What are the travel restriction in England? ›

When you travel to England, you: do not need to complete a UK passenger locator form before you travel. do not need to take any COVID-19 tests before you travel or after you arrive. do not need to quarantine when you arrive.

Is it safe to travel to Europe right now? ›

Europe is one of the safest places to visit as a solo traveler and is an excellent choice even for first-time solo travelers. I've been going there for decades and have rarely encountered any problems. Just follow the tips above, use common sense, and pay attention. Do that, and you likely won't experience any issues.

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Name: Roderick King

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Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.