Baby Dragon (2024)

Baby Dragon (1)

Baby Dragon (2)

“Burps fireballs from the sky that deal area damage. Baby dragons hatch cute, hungry and ready for a barbeque.”

The Baby Dragon is an Epic card that is unlocked from P.E.K.K.A's Playhouse (Arena 6). It spawns a fast, area-damage, air-targeting, short-ranged, air troop with high hitpoints and moderate damage. The Baby Dragon is a small, green baby dragon with short, stubby, team-colored wings. A Baby Dragon card costs 4 Elixir to deploy.


For Battle Decks with this card, click here

  • It can be countered by any air-targeting troop if it is distracted by another unit. If the Baby Dragon is surrounded by troops that are not one-shot by it, such as Minions or the Minion Horde, it will be taken out very quickly since it takes multiple hits to defeat them.
  • The Baby Dragon's area damage allows it to effectively support and protect tanks such as the Giant and the Giant Skeleton from swarms. This is more effective due to its ability to fly, allowing it to attack without endangering itself to as many cards. However, because the Baby Dragon doesn't do much damage per attack, players should consider supporting it with other, high damage per second troops.
  • A lone Baby Dragon is quite easy to counter due to its low damage and relatively short attacking range. Musketeer and Mega Minion are the most effective due to their high damage per second and similar Elixir cost to the Baby Dragon.
    • A lone Hunter can also counter a Baby Dragon of the same level, provided that he is placed directly below it. This placement would allow him to two-shot the Baby Dragon.
    • If the Baby Dragon has locked onto a tanky troop or building, frailer troops such as the Spear Goblins, Minions or Archers can safely deal considerable damage to it, possibly also taking it down.
    • If the support of a Crown Tower is available, even tanks that do not target air units can soak the Baby Dragon's hits and allow the Crown Tower to take it down.
  • If split, Archers can take it out as the Baby Dragon will not splash on to the second Archer. This can also work with Spear Goblins; however, this requires incredibly precise timing and, in most cases, another card is required, usually resulting in a negative Elixir trade.
  • The Inferno Tower and the Inferno Dragon are reliable counters to the Baby Dragon. Because the Infernos' damage intensifies over time against higher health units, they will take down the Baby Dragon without taking much damage in return. Although this is not a positive Elixir trade, the former will often still stay alive long enough to defend a few other troops, while the latter can be used for a counterattack.
  • If the opponent has placed a tank in front of the Baby Dragon, an Inferno card will burn straight through both of them, negating the combo for a major Elixir advantage. If using the Inferno Dragon, place it so that it targets the Baby Dragon first, and then the tank, to maximize the amount of health the Inferno Dragon will have remaining. This is not necessary with the Inferno Tower as its lifetime means it will decay soon regardless.
  • The Tesla can counter the Baby Dragon easily, although one should prioritize using it to tackle dangerous building-targeting troops if they are present.
  • A Tombstone can distract the Baby Dragon long enough for the Crown Tower to take it out.
  • The Baby Dragon pairs well with Spear Goblins. The Baby Dragon's high health and fast speed allow the Spear Goblins to damage a Crown Tower while the Baby Dragon tanks the Crown Tower's shots.
  • Despite its low damage output, it is not wise to ignore a lone Baby Dragon on a Crown Tower since it can inflict substantial chip damage.
  • It is effective to pair the Baby Dragon with the Prince since most common counters to the latter are easily decimated by the former. However, large swarms such as the Skeleton Army can still defeat the Prince due to the Baby Dragon's slow hitspeed and rather small splash radius. In addition, the combo is countered by separating the duo, since they have different movement speeds and ranges.
  • The Baby Dragon can weaken Barbarians, allowing the player's Crown Towers to take care of them.
  • Pairing the Baby Dragon with the Inferno Dragon is a good idea since the Baby Dragon takes care of small swarms while the Inferno Dragon takes down high health units; this is known as the Double Dragon Combo. However, this combo is vulnerable to some ranged troop cards like the Wizard, Minion Horde, Electro Wizard, or spells like Rocket.
  • By placing a Baby Dragon at the leftmost or rightmost side of the Arena, it will be able to ignore buildings placed in the centre of the Arena, thereby reducing the effectiveness of kiting.
  • When using this to support a Slow or Medium speed troop, such as a Giant, it is best to place the Baby Dragon a good distance behind the tank. Otherwise, the Baby Dragon will outpace them, and will get targeted first by the Crown Tower, which weakens the combo.
  • The Baby Dragon pairs well with the Balloon. Not only does it protect the Balloon for air swarms like Bats, but its high speed and mass can push the Balloon closer to the Crown Tower, making it arrive there earlier. However, an Inferno Tower or a tank + Anti-Air combo can counter this push, as the Baby Dragon's damage is not enough to take out anything bulkier than swarms in two shots
    • The Baby Dragon does not do enough damage to stop a lone Balloon from reaching the Crown Tower, so it is not recommended to use it unless there are other cards supporting the Balloon, like Minions.
  • Occasionally, the Baby Dragon can be used to snipe a defensive building on the enemy side. The Baby Dragon has decent range and can fly, allowing it to attack the building without being exposed into the opposing Crown Towers.
  • The Baby Dragon can be used as a tank for more fragile units like Skeletons spawned from a Graveyard. Use this after your Baby Dragon has defended against something and is going for a counterattack.
  • The Baby Dragon has a limited area of effect with its attack. A Tornado can mitigate this, allowing it to hit more troops at once. This is more effective when it also hits an enemy Crown Tower, especially if opposing air troops are pushed towards the Crown Tower by the Tornado.


Baby Dragon (3)

Baby Dragon (5)
Hit Speed
Baby Dragon (6)
Baby Dragon (7)
Deploy Time
Baby Dragon (8)
Baby Dragon (9)
Splash Radius
Baby Dragon (10)
Projectile Speed
Baby Dragon (11)
Baby Dragon (12)
Baby Dragon (13)
Baby Dragon (14)
Baby Dragon (15)
Baby Dragon (16)
41.5 secFast (90)1 sec3.51.2500Air & Groundx1AirTroopEpic
Baby Dragon (17)
Baby Dragon (18)
Area Damage
Baby Dragon (19)
Damage per second
Baby Dragon (20)

Card Mastery

Damage Dealer
Baby Dragon (21)
1Deal a total of 160,000 Damage to enemy Troops or buildings20 Baby Dragon cards
75 Baby Dragon (22)
2Deal a total of 480,000 Damage to enemy Troops or buildings6,000 Baby Dragon (23)
75 Baby Dragon (24)
3Deal a total of 800,000 damage to enemy Troops or buildings150 Baby Dragon (25)
75 Baby Dragon (26)
Troop Destroyer
Baby Dragon (27)
1Destroy 420 enemy Troops9,000 Baby Dragon (28)
125 Baby Dragon (29)
2Destroy 1,200 enemy Troops20 Baby Dragon (30)
125 Baby Dragon (31)
3Destroy 2,100 enemy Troops15,000 Baby Dragon (32)
125 Baby Dragon (33)
No Escape
Baby Dragon (34)
1Hit 12 Troops with a single deploy a total of 80 times100 Baby Dragon (35)
175 Baby Dragon (36)
2Hit 12 Troops with a single deploy a total of 240 times125 Baby Dragon (37)
175 Baby Dragon (38)
3Hit 12 Troops with a single deploy a total of 480 times150 Baby Dragon (39)
175 Baby Dragon (40)



  • The Baby Dragon card was added with Clash Royale's game launch on 4/1/2016.
  • On 29/2/2016, the March 2016 Update, changed the Baby Dragon so that it would no longer stop its attack if its target dies during the attack animation. It also decreased the Baby Dragon's sight range to 5.5 tiles (from 6 tiles).
  • On 3/5/2016, the May 2016 Update, fixed the "range bug" and decreased the Baby Dragon's range to 3 tiles (from 3.5 tiles), but its effective range remained unchanged.
  • On 24/8/2016, a Balance Update, decreased the Baby Dragon's attack time interval to 1.6 seconds (from 1.8 seconds) and its first attack time interval to 0.3 seconds (from 0.5 seconds).


  • On 13/2/2017, a Balance Update, increased the Baby Dragon's range to 3.5 tiles (from 3 tiles).


  • On 6/8/2018, a Balance Update, decreased the Baby Dragon's attack time interval to 1.5 seconds (from 1.6 seconds), but allow it to be knocked back.
  • On 5/9/2018, the September 2018 Update, changed it so that Epic cards start at Level 6 and end at Level 13 (from 1 to 8). It also changed the Baby Dragon's card description. It used to read "Flying troop that deals area damage. Baby dragons hatch cute, hungry and ready for a barbeque."



  • On 5/5/2020, a Balance Update, decreased the Baby Dragon's hitpoints by 6.5%.
  • On 30/7/2020, a maintenance break, changed the Baby Dragon's card render.



  • On 26/10/2022, the 2022 Quarter 3 Update, moved the Arena to unlock the Baby Dragon from Bone Pit to P.E.K.K.A's Playhouse. It also added the No Escape Card Mastery task for the Baby Dragon.



Baby Dragon (41)

Baby Dragon's card render before 30/7/2020.

Baby Dragon (42)

Current card render.


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Baby Dragon (2024)


What do you call a baby dragon? ›

A hatchling is a baby dragon—not to be confused with a dragonet, which is a miniature adult dragon. A group of dragon eggs is called a “clutch.”

What does a baby dragon symbolize? ›

Your baby Dragon is destined for good fortune and greatness. Symbolising luck, intelligence, charisma, optimism, strength, and health, Dragon-born individuals bring a unique blend of traits to your family.

Was Baby Dragon a legendary? ›

The Baby Dragon resemble dragons from European cultures, being reptilian legendary creatures, often depicted as winged, horned, and capable of breathing fire.

What is a newborn dragon? ›

A dragon who is not grown enough to survive on its own, they are usually called warmlings or hachtlings, or just baby dragons.

What is a tiny dragon called? ›

Pseudodragon. Tiny Dragon, Neutral Good.

What's a small dragon called? ›

Did you know that, just like a baby sheep is called a lamb, a baby dragon has its own special name? It's called a hatchling. Many people believe that baby dragons are called dragonets, but this is a misconception – a dragonet is the word for a small dragon, just like 'pony' is the word for a small horse.

Is it lucky to have a dragon baby? ›

Amongst the 12 animals in the zodiac order, many Asian cultures believe babies born in the year of the dragon are the luckiest, destined to have the best fortune and success in life than babies born under any other sign.

What is a female dragon called? ›

Female dragons are still sometimes called "dragonelle" (if relatively young like Taresscon) and "dragon-dame" (as for Shrentine).

What is a female baby dragon called? ›

>I call them hatchlings or dragonets. And if they're female, then they can be dragonettes. :p.

Are baby dragons good? ›

Baby Dragons are excellent farming troops since they deal high damage and have decent health. They can destroy outside collectors fast with the "enraged" ability.

Why is dragon baby popular? ›

They believe that the dragon, the mythical creature in ancient Chinese legend, is an auspicious symbol, and having a baby born in the Year of the Dragon is "a pretty cool thing." Tang is among a growing couples of childbearing age who are eager to have babies in this Year of the Dragon.

How smart are baby dragons? ›

Dragons are very intelligent creatures. The Hatchling will spend a year observing the imprinter's actions, thoughts, words and morals and exploring the elemental world around them.

How do you describe a baby dragon? ›

I usually see "whelp" used to describe a baby dragon. "Whelphide" sounds pretty awful, but you could just call it Dragonhide which sounds alright. "Drake" is sometimes used to describe a small dragon or a young dragon.

What does a baby dragon eat? ›

Insects - Feed gut-loaded insects (crickets or dubia roaches) 1x daily. Mealworms, superworms and waxworms should be offered in only small amounts. Young bearded dragons need a diet that's more insects than vegetables because they need the added protein to grow and develop.

What are other names for baby dragon? ›

>I call them hatchlings or dragonets.

Are baby dragons called pups? ›

What are baby dragons called? Hatchlings, Wyrmlings or Whelps. A group of Dragon Eggs is a “Clutch.” Dragon Whelp gets my vote for cutest #MagicTheGathering card!

What are baby dragons called D&D? ›

Dungeons and Dragons calls baby dragons Wyrms, wyrmhide doesn't sound bad.

What is a juvenile dragon? ›

Starting at 3 months of age, baby bearded dragons are considered juveniles until they reach a year old, after that they are called sub-adults, and finally reaching adulthood at around 18 months old. There are a few important key factors you must consider when caring for a young bearded dragon.

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