The San Francisco Examiner from San Francisco, California (2024)

I M. 407 A RU diving t.e wording and M. Klub. blers 7:30 A. M.

KFRO-Breakfast NOON party; 7:45. news KPO- 12:15. sidewalk Roundup: 7:45. reporter Sam Hayes. 1 PO- Woman of KOW-news.

America: 12:15 EGO--James AbDe: Ma Perkins. 7:45. music. KQW-Find Me: A. M.

KG0-John 15 news. B. 12:15, AFRO--News: 8:15. nedy: 12:15. Conmusic: 8:20.

Dost- stance Bennett. Bye Man scripts: 8:25. Bess music. KPO- Fred Waring on Street. 8:15.

Valiant Gavin: 12:30 P. M. kow-BIll KG0- Lady. -Breakfast Country Journal Club. KFRC-Sidewalk reporter: 12:45 8:30 A.

M. postscripts; 12:50. KSF0--Business music. news. KP0-Pepper KFRC- -Music: 8:45.

Young: 12:48. Lindlahr. Right to HappiKPO--Barbara Lee: ness. 8:45. David KQW -Woman Harum.

Life: 12:45. BachKQW-Light of elor's Children. World; 8:45. KG0- Be Aunt Jenny. Seated.

KG0--Breakfast Club. P. M. 9 A. M.

Hunt: FEE 1:15. JohnKFRC -News: 9:15. son Family. Morton Downey. KPO--Glen Again: Wife: 1:15 Stella 9:15.

Larry Dallas. Smith. (QW -Art LinkKQW -Kate Smith: letter: 1:25. news. 9:15.

Big Sister. KG0--Jack Berch; KG0--Glamour 1:15, radio paManor. rade. c. mat.

9:30 Melody 1:30 P. M. Lane. KFRC-Sketchbook: KFRO-Emily Bar- 1:45. quiz.

ton: 9:45. Coast KPO- -Lorenzo Guard Band. Jones; 1:45, WidKI'0-Woman's der Brown. Magazine. KG0-News: 1:45.

K0W-Helen Trent: church hymns. 9:45. Our Gal KQW--Evelyn WinSunday ters; 1:45. dance KG0- Tom Bren- KSAN- Rhythm neman. Riders.

KROW- P. M. 10 A. M. KFRO--News: 2:15.

calendar. 10:15, KFRC--News: K10-When Girl something to talk about. Marries: 2:15. KPO- -Tony's house: Portia, Faces Life. 1.0:15.

Schoolcast. KQW-School of KOW--Life Can Be the KG0-What's Air. Beautiful: 10:15. Doin'. Ma Perkins.

2:25. KG0-News: 10:15. Norman Nesbitt, Ted Malone. serenade. 10:30 4.

M. 2:30 P. M. Mrs. KSF0-Party time.

Farrington. KFRC--Weight in KFRC-Mountain- gold: 2:55. Cliff eers: 10:45. John Edwards. J.

Anthony. KPO- Star Parade; KP0-Juat Plain 2:45. Baker. Page Farrer, Art KOW--Margaret -Best sellers. KQW--Meet Missus.

MacDonald: 10:45. Dr. -Les Malloy. Malone. 3 P.

M. KG0- -True story: KFRO-ODen House. 10:55, news. KP0-Road of Life: A. M.

3:15, Joyce ..11 KFRC-Cedric Fos- Jordan. ter: 11:15. KOW-Benny hymns. Walker: 3:15. KP0-Guiding 11:15.

KG0-Walkie-talkie: songs. Light: Today's Children. 3:15, piano. Eve K4W -Two on Clue: 11:15. Jolly.

Perry Mason. 3:30 P. M. KG0-Baukhage. Date tatting: with Don.

3:45. Elsa KFRO- -Music: KSAN-S. F. Calls. well.

KPO--Aunt Mary; 11:30 A. M. 3:45, Dr. Paul. KFRC--Queen for a KQW--Union Dav.

Square: 3:45. KPO- Secret; 4:15, news. KQW- Roth's orch. KG0- 4:15, Ray Gram Swing. Bav Meadows.

4:30 P. M. KFRC-Ergkine Johnson: 4:45, music. KP0-Barbara Tate: 4:45. H.

V. Kaltenborn. KQW- -Romance. KG0- Music: 4:45. Hop Harrigan.

5 P. News; 5:15, Superman. KPO---News; 5:15. Betty and Bob. KQW--Knox Manning; 5:15.

80 story goes. Terry and Pirates 5:15. Mandrake. KJBS-Musical meandering. Army band.

5:30 P. M. KFRO-Capt. Midnight; 5:45. Tom Mix.

KP0-News: 5:45. Peterson, news. KQW--Harry Flannerv: 5:45. news. K00-Jack strong: 5:45.

news. 6 P. M. KFRC-Gabriel Heatter: 6:15 real life stories. KPO- Eddie Cantor KQW--Frank Sinatra.

KG0-'One Foot drama dinner concert. 6:30 P. M. KSF0-Music for Remembering. KFRC- Spotlight Bands.

KPO---Mr. District Attorney. -Masie. KGO Music: 6:55. Front Page.

YA-Bav Meadows. 7 P. M. KSFO--Music in Air. KFRO-Hercule Poiret.

KP0-Kay Kvser. -Great Moments Music. KG0 David Harding. KROW--ItalianAmerican. KSAN--John B.

Hughes. 14 WtOn. KOW--Jack Kirkwood: 8:15. Jack Smith. KG0-Lum and Abner: 8:15.

music. evening concert to 10. 8:30 P. M. KFRC--Fresh up.

KP0-Romberg music. KQW-Dr. Christian: 8:55, news KG0-Fish and Hunt Club. P. M.

KSF0---Melody hour. KFRO- -News: 9:16 Rex Miller. KPO--The Norths. KQW---Jack Carson. KG0-Noble's 9:15.

harmonies. 9:30 P. M. KFRC--Sports; 9:45, organ. KP0-Symphonette.

Queen KG0- Aces: 9:45. Gen. Malone. boxing. 10 P.

M. KSF0- time. KFRC -Fulton Lewis; 10:15, news. KP0-Reporter; 10:15. music.

KQW-News: 10:15. to be announced. KG0- -Charlie Chan; 10:15. Ray Swing. KROWAlbum.

KIBS-Music nour. Bob Brachman. sports. 10:30 P. M.

KFRC-Gen. Eisenhower (transcribed) 10:45. Rambler: Langley. KG0-Nite Club. 11 F.

M. KFRC--News: 11:15, Caval. lero's orchestra. KPO-Swingtime. KQW-News; 11:15, music.

KG0- -News: 11:15. sports. 11:30 P. A M. KFRC-Ramos' orchestra: 11:45.

news. 11:55. news. Treasury salute: 11:45. Courtney's 11:55, news.

KG0-Noble's chestra: 11:45. nite watch. Sun, Moon and Tide WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 21 Sun rises 6:56 am Sun sets 4:55 pm Moon rises 7:07 pm Moon sets 9:17 am NOVEMBER 21 TO NOVEMBER 26 Day Time Ht. Time Ht.

Time Ht. Time Ht. High. Lo. High.

Low. 21.1:15 4.8 5:53 2.4 12:01 6.5 22 2:15 4.8 6:45 2.8 12:45 6.1 23. 3:16 4.8 7:46 3.1 13:38 5.6 24 4:19 4.8 8:55 3.2 14:34 5.1 25 5:18 4.9 10:18 3.2 15:46 4.6 26 6:10 5.0 11:53 2.9 17:05 4.3 23:44 0.3 TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE 2 16 19 20 22 23 26 28 29 30 31 32 35 36 38 39 40 41 145 46 48 49 50 52 53 154 55 56 57 58 HORIZONTAL Do over 8 Cool 32 Trap Satisfied 43 Symbol for A Timber wolf nickel 000 Alarm 44 Drink 12 Expert 45 Measure 13 Historic 46 Lively dance sign 48 Football post15 Applaud tion (abbr.) 17 Eerie and 49 Paroxysmal elusive pain 18 Arboreal 51 Rodents animal Earl 19 Periodically 55 Swedish meas. rising and falling ure Conducted 56 Opening 22 Costume ac- 57 Representation cessory of the Last 23 Preposition Supper 24 European 58 A communist river 26 27 Man's Waterfall name 1 VERTICAL. 29 Flying mam- lief mal 2 Put in the 30 Deity shade 31 Book of record 3 Motionless 33 Armed force Behold 36 Fuel Metal 36 Fuel Metal 37 Cuckoo 6 Foldiers 38 Raillery lodgings 39 A small spindle 7 PAINFUL RUBBING Use a liniment you can RUB WITHOUT danger of BURNING When you use a liniment you can't rub -without fear of burning and blister1g your skin- -you lose the benefit of massage.

Omega Oil is safe even for hildren. Rubs right into the skin- -goes work fast. Good for relieving pain of neuralgia, muscle pain of lumbago, and other aching muscles. FOR QUICK RELIEF OMEGA OIL counsel for the State Compensation Fund, will be buried with private funeral services today. He died Monday after a long illness.

A native of Chicago, Mr. Burbank received his education in Santa Cruz public schools and Stanford University where he was graduate athletic. manager for four years following his graduation in 1909. A Mason, he was also a member of the State Bar, the San Francisco Bar Association, Sons of the American Revolution, Bohemian, Olympic, Commercial and San Francisco golf clubs. Surviving him are his widow, Mrs.

Bethel Bowden Burbank; a daughter, Sally Burbank, both of San Francisco, and a sister, Mrs. Eleanor Burbank Haslam of Tacoma, Wash. E. B. Power Rites Today Former State Attorney Passes at 76 Funeral services for E.

B. Power, former assistant attorney general of California, will be held from Halsted's Mortuary, 1123 Sutter Street, at o'clock today. Mr. Power, 76, died at St. Francis Hospital Monday.

He had been hospitalized since last Thursday1 for injuries sustained when he was thrown off a street car. He had served as deputy and assistant attorney general for thirty seven years, a record be. lieved to be unique in United States jurisprudence history. Surviving is his widow, Mrs. Minerva Power, 1526 Masonic Avenue; a son, Lester B.

Power, and a brother, Frances J. Power. Park Lodge No. 449, A. F.

and A. will conduct the funeral services. Vet Hunts Wife And Son 5 Day Search Fails to Locate Family For five days Clayton David Bratt has been searching for his wife and 2 year old son who were scheduled to meet him here on his arrival from Tokio last Thursday aboard the USS Renate. "We had planned to spend Thanksgiving together in celebration of the end of the war," he told the USO at 111 0'Farrell Street. The last time he saw his wife, Lois Ann Bratt.

and 2 year old son, Michael, was last Christmas. The wife and child left their home at Portsmouth, Ohio, tn company with Bratt's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Burton. Anyone knowing of their whereabouts were asked to inform the USO, GArfield 7377.

THE WEATHER San Francisco and the Bay Area- Scattered to broken high clouds today and tomorrow: mild temperatures; gentle variable wind. Northern California- -Scattered to broken high clouds today and tomorrow, becoming cloudy in north portion tomorrow: mild temperatures: gentle variable wind off the coast, becoming moderate to fresh northerly north of Point Arena. Sierra Nevada- -Scattered to broken high clouds todav and tomorrow. becoming cloudy over northern ranges tomorrow: little temperature change. Sacramento Valley- -Scattered to broken high clouds today: cloudy tomorrow: mild temperatures.

San Joaquin, Livermore. Santa Clara and Salinas Valleys- Scattered to broken high clouds today and tomorrow: mild temperatures. Los Angeles and vicinity Generally clear, but with some scattered high cloudiness today: ot much temperature change, Southern -Generally clear todav. but with some scattered high cloudiness: not much temperature change. 4:30 n.

Pacific Coast Station Hi. Lo. Auburn 58 42 Eureka 54 39 Fort Bragg. 57 43 Fresno 55 40 King City 68 45 Los Angeles 77 52 Oakland 61 42 Portland 41 29 Red Bluff. 61 43 Reno 49 29 TEMPERATURES Tuesday.

November 20 Pacific Coast Station Hi. Lo. Roseburg 47 37 Sacramento 63 43 San Fr'cisco. 61 51 S. F.

Airport. 61 46 San 64 51 Seattle 53 34 Sunnyvale 62 45 Susanville. 44 30 Williams 64 43 Special San Francisco Report Seasonal precipitation to date. 3.85: seasonal to date year, 6.28 inches. Normal to date.

3.06; seasonal normal, 22.02 inches. Highest temperature this year. 87 degrees. June 16: lowest temperature this season. 47 degrees.

November 7. (Season began July 1. ends June 301 GARGLE BAYER ASPIRIN SORE TO A THROAT ease be. DAY To the wife of Richard 0. Day, 1982 34th Nov.

15, a daughter. De To the wife of Oscar DeVilliers, 227 Tunnel Nov. 13, a son. GOOD--To the wife of James A. Good, 1879 40th Nov.

14, a daughter. HOPP. To the wife of Norman W. Hopp, 2981 26th Nov. 16, a son.

IMURA- To the wife of Harus Imura, South San Francisco, Nov. 15, a daughter. KELLY To the wife of William J. Kelly, 187 Lowell Nov. 14, a son.

KOMPARE- To the wife of John W. Kompare, 436 Cole Nov. 12, a daughter. To the wife of Albert P. Labarthe, Oakland, Nov.

14, a daughter. LANDON- To the wite of Vernon B. Landon, 2424 A Yorba 15, a daughter. MIRANDA- the wife' of Manuel 8. Miranda, 47 Bannam Place, Nov.

13, a daughter. MOODY- To the wife Franklin H. Moody, Brisbane, Nov. 16. a daughter.

MOORE- -To the wife of Charles E. Moore, 4205 24th Nov. 9, a son. MURPHY- -TO the wife of Joseph Mur135 Wood Nov. 11.

a son. NANNERY- To the wife of Joseph L. Nannery, 1377 Jackson Nov. 17, a daughter. NEWTON- To the wife of Duane T.

New35th Nov. 16th, a son. PETERSON- -To the wife of Robert Peterson, 1682 43rd Nov. 15. a son.

PUCKETT- -To the wife Thomas F. Puckett, 310 Parnassus Nov. 13, a son. PUGLISI--TO the wife of Peter Puglisi, Mill Valley, Nov. 14.

a daughter, QUANDT- To the wife of Herbert E. Quandt, 62 Nantucket Nov. 13, a son. SARDINA- TO the wife of Joseph J. Sardina, 527 Chestnut Nov.

13, a daughter. SCHWEYER- the wife of Walter C. Schweyer, Auburn, Nov. 12, a son. STEPHENS.

To the wife of Wilbur C. Stephens, 876 Eddy Nov. 16, a son. To the wife of Remo P. Simontacchi, South San Francisco, Nov, 9, twins, son and daughter.

SULTAN- -To the wife of Lewis H. Sultan, 1662 33rd Nov. 13, a daughter. THAIN--TO the wife of Robert A. Thain, 251 Clinton Park, Nov.

15, a daughter. THOMAS the wife of Richard E. Thomas. 520 Geary Nov. 15.

a son. WERTENBERG -To the wife of Harold E. Wertenberg, 318 Foote Nov. 14, a son. To the wife of Harry G.

Whitcomb, 48 Whitney Nov. 12, a daughter. WILLIAMS- To the wife of Mackennedy Williams, Richmond, Nov. 15, a son. The Examiner extends congratulations and best wishes on their contemplated marriage to the following: Marriage Licenses Issued MARRIAGE Health Certificates and Tests complete, $2.50.

C. R. Wright, M. and Staff, at S. F.

Laboratories. 9-7: Sat. 9-4. Est. 30 yrs.

690 Market. 8th fl. DO. 4926 ADAMS-BICKEL-Edward Adams, 20, 488 Frederick and Leah Bickel. 22.

1282 Fourth Ave. Anthony Metzelaar. and Lillian Casassa, 36, both 2754 Franklin MILLER John Boyer. 33. 722 Page and Dorothy Miller.

27. 143 Corbett. Budd. 62. 1262 Seventh and Jessie Geaugue, 57, 647 Seventeenth Ave.

Carman, 26. and Beatrice Giovannoli, 28. both 962 Sanchez St. CARTER- FARRIS Russell Carter. 33, U.

S. and Juanita Farris, 26, 341 'Farrell St. -Clarence Chestnut, 22, and Betty Femmer, 19, both 545 Turk St. -Robert Coupe, 24. 300 Buchanan and Margaret Moak, 25.

Sacramento. CORDER-FARISH- Joe Corder, 21. Houston. and Peggy Farish, 18. 2448 Fifteenth Ave.

DeBLOCK-CARROLL- John eD DeBlock. 25, Hotel Whitcomb, and Helen Carroll, 28. Hotel Governor. DIEHL-WILLIAMSON- Robert Liehl. 22.

21 Niagara Ave. Geneva Williamson 22 Hanford. FITTON-JOHANSON-Wright Fitton. 22, Fall River. and Agnes Johanson, 25.

Portland. Ore. EARLY-KOSTY- -Robert Early. 23. 1485 Florida and Arlien Kosty, Oakland.

FALTINGS-LYNCH-Harry Faltings, 21, 2727 Kirkham and Virginia Lynch, 21. 460 Thirty-fourth Ave. GARDINER-JOHNSON -Donald Gardiner. 22, Los Angeles. and Doris Johnson, 21, Paterson.

N. J. GOETT MARTINI Richard Goett. 23. 1864 Larkin and Abbey Martini, 1560 Hyde St.

GONZALEZ-RANEY William Gonzalez, 27. and Agnes Raney, 21, shoth 2701 Lincoln Wav. HANSBERRY-SPRANDEL Virgil Hansberry, 34. 759 Seventh and Marret Sprandel. 34.

Vallejo. -OLSON William Hansen, 52, and Nellie Olson. 48. both 177 Capp St. HEGYES-PISCITELLO Michael Hegyes, 25.

and Grace Piscitello, 23, both 1060 Mississippi St. HUJSAK-DODGE- Karol Hujsak, 30, Reeds Ferry. N. and Dorothy Dodge, 29, 1353 Fourth Ave. KOVAK-ALLEN Andrew Kovak.

Turk and Oleta Allen, 33, Kansas City. Mo. MORGAN-McLEAN- Clare Morgan 24. and Elaine McLean, 23. both Salt Lake Citv.

NORTON-CAMPBELL-John -John Norton. 23, and Helen Campbell, 20, both 970 Geary St -Francis Onorato, 35. 618 Fortieth and Gertrude Mulvenav. 30. 1656 Leavenworth St.

John O'Leary, 21, 1682 Cavuga and Doris Reynolds, 19. 269 Rome St. ORON-STONE -Jean Oron, 22. U. 8.

N. and Gweneth Stone, 20, 619 Frederick Street. PIETRUSZKA-MORAN Victor Pietruszka. 29. U.

S. and Agnes Moran, 29, 359 Hyde St. PETERS-SCHMIDT-Ludwig Ludwig Peters. 57, and Antonia Schmidt, 58, both 152 Chattanooga St. PELLISSIER-NOBLE- William 45, L08 Angeles, and Effie Noble, 29, St.

Louis. Mo. SCOTT-FLAGER James Scott. 28. 1465 Oak and Wanda Flager, 27, 85 Carl St.

SLUZELE-RIVARD- William Sluzele. 43, and Myrtle Rivard. 36. both 807 bury St. James Schlenker.

28. Kenosha. and Marguerite Kastner. 27. Blue Island, Ill.

SMITH-HUNT- -Joseph Smith, 22. 1743 Laguna and Jodie Hunt, 21. 735 Navy Rd. SIDNEY-RAY- -Jetrose Sidney. 27.

8. and Velma Rav. 24. Berkeley, Anthony Sunsert, 23. 1362 Utah.

and Frances Michelint, 26, 1546 Thirty-eighth Ave. TYLER-McCREARY-Milo -Milo Tyler. 40. U. S.

and Selma McCreary, 43, 147-A Thirteenth St. WALLACE-SMITH-Charles Charles Wallace. 46, and Dorothy Smith. 38. both Boyce Street.

WILLIAMSON-NOHLING Clifton Williamson, 21. and Shirley Nobling, 20, both Oakland. WATTS-ODOM-Clyde Watts, 25. U. S.

and Mildred Odom. 25, 50 Cutler. -Jack Watkins, 23. U. S.

and Jeanne Mcnu*tt, 19. Warren. Ohio. WILLIAMSON CUSHING- Carl Williamson. 38.

1650 Thirty-second and Helen Cushing. 27, Hayward, William Zelle, 32. Merchantville. N. and Signe Strand, 32.

Palo Alto. Interlocutor Divorce Decrees Granted -Margaret E. from John H. BLAKE- John from John Jr. CIVELLO- Marian from Arthur A.

EDWARDS Evelyn L. from Burton E. FLESHER- -Lillian C. from George B. FRACTENBERG Blance M.

from Louis. GIBSON-Amelia from Willis H. GOUGH- Virginia from Standlev. Wanda from George A. KONGLE- Agnes M.

from Henry, KORNHABER- Max from Sarah. MARTINEZ -Pauline P. from Antulio M. Mildred from Ocal. REDSTONE Betty R.

from Albert E. SACCO- Claudine from John. SANT. -Chris from Mary, SOWLE- Jane E. from Harry A.

-Vera M. from Alzert WYNN--Luella F. from Lovd L. Annulments Granted DOTEN--Carla M. from Harry L.

GROSS- Ella M. from Clarence. GYLOCK- M. from Alfred A. -Patricia from Frederick.

STUART Dorothy Winiger from Gordon H. YARBROUGH- Edward from Blanche. YOUNG- Hortense Surges from Frank L. Divorce Complaints Filed ANDERSEN Thorvald J. Jr.

VS. Alice Craig. BURCH Lewis C. L. vs.

Ann M. CRESPO- Betty vs. Frank. DIMITRATOS Kathryn vs. Frank.

'ARL- Verna VS. James. due to high altitudes, NAUSEA speed changes, and relieved sudden with Helps to control AIRSICK organs of balance. Quiets the nerves. THE WORLD OVER SISTER HUMILIANA.







19, 1945, Augusta Louise Ault, wife of the late Stewart Ault, sister of Mrs. John Andrews and Fred Herzog. Friends are invited to attend the funeral service 1 p. Friday, Nov. 23, at Gray's, Divisadero St.

at Post. AVLONITTIS (Avion) --In this city. Nov. 18. 1945.

Jerome, beloved father of William Avionittis. Mrs. Irene Kazakes, loving brother of Mrs. Mary Argyres of Oakland and Mrs. Paradise Lombos of San Francisco: a native of Corfu, Greece.

A member of the Association of Master Barbers America. Funeral services Wednesday, 2 p. from the San Francisco Memorial Chapels, 435 Valencia St. near 15th; thence to the Church of Annunciation, where requiem mass will be offered at 2:30 p. m.

Interment, Greek Memorial Park. BANCROFT--In this city, Nov. 20. 1945, Winifred G. Bancroft, beloved wife of Charles H.

Bancroft. loving mother of Blythe Venables. Wallace, Carol and Dianne Bancroft. sister of Mrs. M.

Davis of Eureka. Mrs. C. C. and Sherwin Dickerson of San FranArmstrong of Arcata.

William R. cisco. Funeral service at 1 p. m. Saturday, Nov.

24. at Gray's, Divisadero St. at Post. BAUER--In this city, Nov. 17, 1945.

Charles Bauer. A member of Waiters' Union. Local No. 30. Friends are invited to attend the funeral services Wednesday, Nov.

21, 1945, at 2:15 p. from Duggan's, 3434 17th St. Interment, Cypress Lawn Memorial Park. BENNETT-In this city. Nov.

20. 1945. Mary T. (Mae), beloved wife of George H. Bennett.

loving aunt of Mrs. A. D. Dorr. Mrs.

Ivy Belle Miller. Herbert Buck. Clarence. Charles and William McClure: a native of San Francisco. Friends are invited to attend the funeral services Friday.

Nov. 23. at 1:30 at the Maneely Chapel. Divisadero St. at O' Farrell.

Interment, Hills 01 Eternity Memorial BOUYSSOU--In this city, Nov. 19, 1945. Benjamin, beloved brother of Mrs. Marie Galtier, brother-in-law of Augustin Galtier and uncle of Miss Elise Gaitier; a native of Aveyron, France. Friends are invited to attend the funeral Friday, at 8:30 a.

at the 777 Valencia, nr. 19th thence to the chapels of Gantner-Maison-Domergue, Church of Notre Dame des Victoires, Bush where a requiem high mass will be offered at 9 m. Interment, Holy Cross Cemetery. BOYLE In this city, Nov. 20.

1945, Herbert beloved husband of Hattie Boyle, loving father of Herbert W. Jr. and John T. Boyle, U.S. brother of Grace A.

Boyle and John J. Boyle; a native of San Francisco. Remains at Gantner, Felder. Kenny Chapel, 1965 Market at Duboce Ave, Notice of funeral later, -In this city, Nov. 19, 1945, Daniel Wellman Buroank.

husband of Bethel Bowden Burbank, father of Sally Burbank. brother of Eleanor Burbank Haslam of Tacoma, nephew of Mrs. Henry Franwell of Santa Cruz, aged 59 years. (Santa Cruz papers please copy. Funeral and interment private.

CARLSON-In this city, November 18, 1945, John Carlson, dearly beloved husband of Elin C. Carlson, beloved father of Stanley H. Carlson and Mrs. Margaret E. FitzGibbon.

A member of Morse Lodge No. 257, I. 0. 0. F.

A native of Sweden, aged 79 years. Friends are invited to attend uneral services at 1 p. Wednesday. November 21st, at Anderson's, Valencia Street at 25th St. Interment, Greenlawn Memorial Park.

COLEMAN-In Palo Alto, Nov. 18, 1945, Emily J. Coleman, wife of the late John William Coleman; a native of Wisconsin. Remains forwarded from Parkview Funeral Home (John C. Halloran), 1266 9th to La Grande, Oregon, for interment.

CONKLING--In this city. Nov. 18th. 1945. Lt.

Com. Wilbur T. Conkling. U. S.

N. loving husband of Isabella Conkling. loving father of Ensign Robert C. Conkling. U.

S. N. son of the late Charles and Emmaline Conkling. brother of Charles Conkling. Mrs.

Carrie Moore, Mrs. Pearl Metcalf. Mrs. Irene Sharp, Mrs. Elsie Dorchester and Ralph Conkling: a native of Iowa.

Funeral services Wednesday morning, 9:30 o'clock. at the mortuary of Halsted 1123 Sutter St. near Polk. Interment. National Cemetery, Presidio, COOPER--In this city, November 18th, 1945, Archibald Cooper, husband of the late Martha C.

Cooper, loving father of Mrs. Martha Hines, Mrs. Jean Champion, Sgt. Archie and Frank Cooper, beloved uncle of Alex Cooper. A member of Clan Fraser No.

78, 0. S. and Painters' Union. Local No. 19; a native of Greenock, Scotiand, aged 70 years.

Friends are invited to attend funeral services, 10:30 a. m. Wednesday, November 21st, at Anderson's, Valencia Street at 25th St. Interment, Cypress Lawn Memorial Park. DIEBOLD (Religious) -In this city, Nov.

20. 1945. Sister Mary Humiliana, 8. F. of St.

Joseph's Hospital. Funeral Friday at 9 a. from St. Joseph's Hospital Chapel. where a quiem high mass will be celebrated.

Interment. Holy Cross Cemetery. UNMARK In this city. November 19, 1945. Llovd Clayton.

beloved husband of Beatrice Enmark. loving father of Pfc. Llovd Clayton Enmark United States Marine Corps, loving son of Rebecca and the late Albert Enmark. brother of Earl and Albert Enmark. Mrs.

Grace Mann and Mrs. Margaret Moore, son-in-law John and Agusta Aragni: a native of Pueblo. Colorado. aged 43 vears. member of San Francisco Lodge, B.

P. 0. Elks. Friends are invited to attend Friday at 2 p. at the chapels of FERRELL- James C.

VS. Roberta W. GANS -Victor vs. Valerie. GEEAR- -Madaleine V.

Vs. Roy C. GERSICK- John vs. Helen. GRAY--Mary E.

VS. John 1. GREEN- -Amelia G. vs. Harley W.

HECK- -Dorothy F. vs. Dana W. HEICKSEN- Jeannette vs. Louis.

HEWETT- -Adele M. VS. George E. KENYON. Jessie E.

vs. Robert F. LONGTIN- Jeanne vs. Frank J. -Stella B.

vs. Everett R. MADRONICH- vs. Paul McHUGH- Florence R. vs.

John. MITCHELL- Margaret VS, Leonard E. MORROW- -George E. VS. Elizabeth A.

MUETZENBERG- Jeanne vs. Dave R. NICHOLS- -Isabelle J. vs. James N.

PARKER- Violet L. vS. Willis. PILIGLIANO--Anne M. vs.

Joseph V. RASSO--Frank T. vs. Mary, STUMBO -Alberta N. VS.

John D. VAN DER HOOGT- vs. Gerrit. WHITTAKER- Juanita vs. Abe.

ZIMMER--Norma vs. Clarence E. Annulment Complaints Filed CARSON-Vearl vS. Charles R. DAY -Mary A.

Vs. Edwin L. GOLBOFF -Henry S. vS. Sophie.

HARTMAN- -Harold vs. Marie. LEIFERMANN- Mary A. vs. Francis H.

McOWEN-Margaret S. vs. Robert MOLLERUS- -Patsv M. vs. Howard.

NEEL-Marv VS. William G. QUINN--Bethel vs. William, WINDNER- -Frances W. vs.

Thomas H. INTREPIDO- Betty vs. Crispin. Dry, Cracked Surprising how soon the dryness is relieved and healing begins, after using oily, medicated, soothing RESINOL loVing father of Beatrice and Albert Figone brother of Tony and Victor Figone, Mrs. De Martini of El Cerrito, Mrs.

Albarello of San Leandro, father-in-law of Vir. gina Figone, grandfather of Figone; a native of Oakland, aged 48 years. A member of Claremont Parlor, N. S. G.

and Bartenders' Union of Richmond. Friends are invited to attend the funeral from Caporgno Co. 1727 Grove Oakland, Wednesday, November 21, 1945, at 9 a. thence to St. Andrews Church, where a solemn requiem high mass will be celebrated for the repose of his soul.

commencing at 9:30 a. m. Recitation of Rosary Tuesday evening at 8 p. m. Entombment, St.

Joseph's Mausoleum. FILIPPO- -In this city, Nov. 20, 1945, Emilia Filippo, dearly beloved wife of Vincenzo Filippo, loving mother of Joseph and Frank Filippo. Rafaela Emilio, Lillian Chiappetta and the late Lt. Guido F.

Filippo, S. A. Nov. 5, 1944; a native of Italy, aged 61 years, 19 days. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral on Friday, Nov.

23, at 2 p. from the chapel of Valente, Marini, Perata 4840 Mission St, Interment, Italian Cemetery. GRAHAM--In Long Beach, Nov. 14, 1945. Esther beloved wife of the late James Graham, and aunt of Harry W.

Grant of San Francisco. Graveside interment service Friday. at at Cypress Lawn Memorial Park HACK--In Port Hueneme. Nov. 18, 1945, Bruce S.C.

U. S. loving son of Clara L. and the late A. C.

Hack, brother of Stanley Jones, C.8.M., U. S. Leslie Hack, U. S. and Mrs.

Jean Harten; a native of California, aged 22 years. Friends are invited to attend the funeral service Wednesday, Nov. 21, at 1 o'clock p. at the Church of Our Savior, Mill Valley. Interment, Golden Gate National Cemetery.

(Robert F. Russell Co. Service.) HALL--In this city. Nov. 18.

1945., Walter Howard. beloved husband Nettie Melissa Halt. and loving father of Mrs. Lillian Cowles. Mrs.

Virginia Caulfield, Wilford Boyd and Shirley Hunter: a native of Pittsburgh. Pa. Funeral services Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock, from Gantner, Felder, Kenny Chapel, 1965 Market St. at Duboce under the auspices of L. D.

S. Church. Interment. D. 8.

plot. Cypress Lawn Memorial Park, Friday at 10 a m. HETZ---In this city, Nov. 19, 1945. John (Johnnie) Hetz, loving son of Herman and Fern loving brother of Herman Tommy and Freddie Hetz.

Mrs. Voeltz, Agnes and Harry Seward: aged 10 years, Services today Nov. 21, at 10:00 a. at Martin Brown, 1515 Scott bet. Geary and Post Sts.

HURTADO -In this city, Nov. 19. 1945. Max, beloved husband of Vivian Hurtado. loving father of Fern and Vivian Hurtado.

loving brother of Luz. Pete, Jerry and Joe Hurtado, Mrs. Marina Garcia. Mrs. Rosenda Chavez.

Mrs. Delfina Trujillo, Mrs. Esther Cordona; a native of Colorado. Funeral Friday, 8:30 a. from chapels of Arthur J.

Sullivan 2254 Market bet. 15th and 16th, then to Mission Dolores Church, where requiem high mass will be offered at 9 m. Interment. Holy Cross Cemetery. HUTCHINS-In this city, November 15, 1945, Anita Mary Hutchins.

Funeral services Wednesday morning, 11:30 o'clock, at the mortuary of Halsted 1123 Sutter near Polk. JONES--In Oakland, November 20, 1945, Tolly beloved husband of Mrs. Katherine Jones, loving father of Patricia Ann and Lois Jones, brother of Mrs. Lila Holman. Mrs.

Maud R. Sullivan, son of Mrs. Elva A. Jones; a native of Texas. Friends may call at the Fruitvale Chapel of the Clarence N.

Cooper Mortuary, 1580 Fruitvale until Thursday night. Private interment will be held Friday morning. (KE. 3-4114) KLARMANN San Francisco, Nov. 19, 1945.

Edna Leverna (Billie) Klarmann, beloved wife of William Klarmann, loving mother of Kenneth Klarmann, daughter of Anthony E. Lind, sister of Mrs. Irene Hodgkin. Friends are invited to attend services Nov. 21.

1945. at 2:00 o'clock at the Gothic Chapel, terminus of Piedmont Oakland. Friends may call at the Truman, Colonial Funeral Home, Telegraph at 30th Oakland, until 12 noon Wed. KLUTZ--In this city, November 19, 1945, Paul Klutz, beloved brother of 1 Frank Klutz and Mrs. Bertha Kalinowsky; a native of Germany, aged 83 years.

Friends are invited to attend funeral services 10:30 a. Friday, November 23rd, at Anderson's. Valencia Street at 25th St. Interment, Olivet Memorial Park. Mary Agnes Leonard, loving wife of John LEONARD- A -In Sonoma, Nov.

18. 1945, F. Leonard, beloved mother of Thomas McNally, loving aunt of Thomas Monteton, daughter of the late William and Catherine Finley; a native of New York. Funeral today at 9:30 a. from the Mortuary of Barry-McDonaldMaloney, 766-770 Valencia thence to St.

Vincent de Paul Church, where a requiem high mass will be celebrated for the repose of her soul commencing at 10:00 a. m. Interment, Holy Cross Cemetery, Levene, devoted father of Helene and Bernard beloved husband of Mynna LEVENE-Entered into rest, Nov. 19, 1945, Lawrence A. Levene, loving brother of Mrs.

Samuel Simon, Mrs. Ralph Schern. Henry M. and J. S.

Levene. a member of 8. F. Bodies, Scottish Rite, and George Washington Post No. 114, American Legion.

Services Wednesday, 2:45 p. Sinai Memorial Chapel, Divisadero St. at Geary, Inurnment, Home of Peace. LEWIS--In this city. Nov.

20. 1945. dearly beloved wife of Clarence Lewis. loving mother of Bert Lewis, Mrs. Myrtle Powers.

Mrs. Rae Zgraggen, and sister of Helen J. Dolan and Mrs. Anna Cooke. A member of Zenana Lodge No.

821. Ladies Auxiliary R. R. T. Funeral notice later.

Remains at Gantner. Felder. Kenny Chapel. 1965 Market St. at Duboce Ave.

LOU this city. Nov. 20. 1945, Clement beloved husband of Loretto Genevieve Loubert, and uncle of Stanley, George and Francis L. O' Brien and anne Marie Bellingeri.

A member of San Carlos Post No. 585. American Legion. Friends may call at the Memorial Chapels of Carew English. Masonic at Golden Gate Ave.

Notice of funeral later, MANN--In Redwood Citv. Nov. 18, 1945, Uris Chilton Mann, loving father of Mrs. Bernice Collier of Salinas and L. C.

Mann. U. S. C. G.

of San Francisco, son of Mrs. H. L. Mann of Paducah, Texas, 45 brother of Mrs. Maggie Clark of San Diego, Mrs.

Lulu Fellows of Paducah, Texas. Mrs. Nell Fuller of Leland, Texas. Mrs. Bess Langford of Bellevue, Texas.

Fred. L. M. and Atwell Mann of Texas. A member of Carpenters' Union.

Local No. 36. and A. F. of of Funeral interment in Salinas, California, Wednesday afternoon.

Friends may call at the Layng Tinney Funeral Home until noon Wednesday. beloved son of a Laura F. and the late MATTER--Nov. 19. 1945.

Robert Stanley. Herman Matter. and loving brother of Mrs. Herbert Fifield and Mrs. D.

Glasford. A member of Plumbers Union, Local 442. Funeral services Friday at 1:45 n. at Ashley McMullen's. 4200 Geary Blvd.

at 6th Ave. Interment, Golden Gate National Cemetery. this city, Nov. 19. 1945, Ross.

beloved husband of Bertha Mayhood, loving brother of James, George, Murdie and Glen Mayhood. Mrs. Enid Wakelin and Mrs. Janet Leckie: a. native of Vancouver, B.

C. A member of Sheet Metal Workers Union. Local 104. Funeral services Friday at 2 p. R.t Comisky 1159 Valencia bet.

22nd and 23rd Sts. Cremation, Cypress Lawn Memorial Park. McDONALD In San Mateo, Nov. 19, 1945. George E.

McDonald dearly beloved husband of Margaret Stedman McDonald, idolized father of Mrs. Philip Deller of Ketchikan, Alaska, Mrs. Gladys Smith and George E. McDonald devoted grandfather of Doreen McDonald. Funeral services will be conducted Friday.

Nov. 23rd. at 10:30 a. from the mortuary of W. C.

Lasswell 6154 Mission cor. Wilson. Interment. Cypress Lawn Memorial Park. McKINNEY- Nov.

20, 1945. Elizabeth, loving wife of Hugh McKinney, devoted mother ot Elizabeth Krohn. Turrh MeKinney, Margaret, Francis and Charles McKinney; a native of Scotland. A member of Rosarian of St. John's Church.

(Edinburgh. Scotland. papers please Friends are invited to attend funeral Friday, Nov. 23rd, 1945, at 9 a. from Duggan's, 3434 17th thence to St.

John's Church, where A requiem mass will be offered at 9:30 m. Interment, Holy Cross Cemetery. MEEK--In Oakland. Nov. 19.

1945. Dr. H. G. Meek.

beloved husband of Grace V. Meek. father of Janet Northon and Oliver W. Meek. and son of Mrs.

R. W. Meek: a native of California. Friends are invited to attend services Wednesday morning. Nov.

21st. at 10 o'clock. at the Crematory Chapel. Mt. View Cemetery.

terminus of Piedmon Oakland. (Albert Brown 3476 Piedmont Ave.) this city, November 18th. 1945. Frank Miklic; a native of Austria. Funeral announcement later.

Friends may, 25th call St, at Anderson's. Valencia Street MURPHY-In this city, Nov. 13, 1945. Mary Murphy, dearly beloved wife of the Painter, Mrs. Gladys Steengrafe, Mrs.

Dorothy Ahrens, loving grandfather of Donald and Marilyn Ahrens; a native of Missouri. Past Grand President of the Golden Gate Lodge 204, I. 0. 0. and Golden Gate Encampment No.

1, I. 0. 0. and Montezuma Tribe No. 77.

1. 0. Pile Drivers Union, Local No. 34. Funeral services Wednesday, Nov.

21st at 2 p. at. Little Chapel of the Sunset." 27th Ave. and Irving under the auspices of the Golden Gate Lodge No. 204, I.

0. 0. F. Inurnment, Cypress Lawn Memorial Park. (Earl J.

Currivan, Director.) PH HELPS--In this city. Nov. 19, 1945, Shirley Ann Phelps. idolized infant daughter of Ward and Doris Phelns. loving sister of Diane and Jimmie Koreen, devoted granddaughter of Gertrude Covell and Archie Covell: aged 17 days.

Friends are invited to attend the funeral service 2 p. m. Wednesday, Nov. 21. at Grav's.

Divisadero St. at Post. Interment. Woodlawn Memorial Park. POWER--In this city.

Nov. 19, 1945. E. Barnum, beloved husband of Minerva L. Power.

father of Lester B. Power. brother of Frances J. Power. Past Master of Park Lodge No.

449. F. A. M. Funeral services Wednesday afternoon, 1 o'clock.

under the auspices of Park Lodge No. 449. F. at the mortuary of Halsted 1123 Sutter St. near Polk.

PRUETT-In this city, Floyd A. Pruett, formerly of Pacific Grove. dearly beloved husband of Clara A. Pruett, loving father of Helen Loyd Ed Ray Pruett. Mrs.

Bernice Noggle, Mrs. Edith Mae Letzring. Mrs. Bunny V. Crider.

Mrs. Maxine L. Lingenfelter. beloved brother of Mrs. Olive B.

Hans. Funeral service Wednesday afternoon. 2:30 o'clock, at the mortuary of Halsted 1123 Sutter St. near Polk. RADCLIFFE-In Burlingame, Nov.

18. 1945. George Radcliffe, husband of the late Salina Radcliffe. brother of Mrs. Rebecca Anderson of Ireland and Mra.

Sarah Bell of Media, a native of Tullyear. Banbridge, North Ireland. member of Presidio Lodge No. 354, F. A.

sexton, Calvary Presbyterian Church. 1902-1935. Friends are invited to attend the funeral, at service Gray's, at 11 a. Divisadero St. Wednesday, at Post.

ROY--In this city, Nov. 18, 1945. James Roy, dearly beloved husband of Christina Roy, loving father of Mae and John Roy, beloved brother of Mrs. Elizabeth Hepburn: a native of Scotland, aged 39 years. A member of Golden Gate Aerie No.

61. F. 0. E. Friends are invited to attend the funeral services on Wednesday at 2:30 p.

at the Chapel of H. F. Subr 2919 Mission St. nr. 25th.

Interment. Cypress Lawn Memorial Park. SAYERS In Palo Alto, Monday, Nov. 19, 1945, Percy William Sayers, husband of Marie T. Sayers and son of Mrs.

Elizabeth Sayers, brother of Mrs. Annie Kenyon; a native of England, aged 54 years, A member of C. C. Thomas Navy Post No. 244, American Legion of San Francisco.

Friends are welcome to attend the funeral Friday afternoon, at 12:30 o'clock, at Tinney's, Lytton opposite City Hall Park, Palo Alto. Interment, Golden Gate National Cemetery, SHERMAN-In this city, Nov. 20. 1945. Helen Sutton Sherman, loving mother of Allen Edwin Sherman and the late Mrs.

Kathleen Rhodes. sister of Barbara and Effingham Bowne Sutton and the late Frank McKenzie Sutton. Funeral service at D. m. Friday, Nov.

23. at Gray's. Divisadero St. at Post. this city, November 20.

1945, Clyde C. Tourgee, cousin of Abbie J. Heinrick and Grace Black of Wickliffe, Ohio. Notice of funeral later, Antonietta Tranchina, dearly beloved -In this city, Nov. 19.

1945. wife of Vincent Tranchina, loving mother Flowers- when sadness comes to someone you know. sending flowers conveys message of sympathy beyond compare. Midriata GIFTS Above Average in Quality Average in Cost FIGURINES CANDY DISHES CANDELABRA CERAMICS NEOCRAFT TRAYS VISITORS WELCOME AMERICA'S MOST FAMOUS FLORISTS 224 GRANT AVENUE SU. 6200 FLOWERS TELEGRAPHED ANYWHERE ANGELO J.


MOHR TAMKE 2850 21ST ST. VA. 4015-4016 Mills Building Flower Shop 200 MONTGOMERY YU. 1447. BROWN KENNEDY 3089 16TH ST.

UN. 4127. BELMONT FLORIST 2360 FILLMORE WE. 9882. of Sam Alfred Salvatore, Josephine, Pasquale and Tranchina and Jessie Lorenzo, loving sister of Salvatore, Anthony and Frank Tarantino and Mrs.

Mary Lamantia; a native of Italy, aged 56 years 10 months 13 days. Friends are invited to attend the funeral on Wednesday, Nov. 21, at 9 a. from the chapel of Valente, Marini, Pe. rata 4840 Mission thence to Church of the Epiphany, where a requiem high mass will be celebrated for the repose of her soul, commencing at 9:30 a.

m. Interment, Italian Cemetery, WILLIAMS In this city, Nov. 19. 1945. of beloved Elmer uncle of Holling.

Alice Heckford Friends are invited to attend the tuneral Wednesday, Nov. 21st, 1945. at 1 fro.n the Mortuary of Julius S. Godeau, 41 Van Ness nr. Market St.

Inurnment, Woodlawn M6- morial Park. In Memoriam In loving memory of our beloved husband and father, Antone Figone, His memory is as dear today as in the hour he passed away. A second anniversary mass December 6, St. Vincent de Paul's. WIFE.

CHILDREN AND GRANDCHILDREN. a 88 8 STUART- first anniversary mass will be said for James B. Stuart Thursday, November 22, at 8 a. at Gabriel's Church. FLORENCE STUART.

Quality, not VOLUME Funeral Service at Halsted-Dierks is Unhurried and Reverent. We have no tions to a Volume business with its cold and impersonal com mercial attitude. Our purpose is te render a beautiful and dignified service to every family continue our 68-year tion for Finer Funerals and Friendly Personal Service. Newly Redecorated Chapels HALSTED DIERKS Funeral Directors 901 DIVISADERO FILLMORE 5151 Faithfully serving the publle for more then sixty years. UNITED UNDERTAKERS 1096 South Van Ness Ave.

at 22nd St. Established July 1883) PHONE VALENCIA $100 10 9 Measure 33 With full Explosive force 34 Card game 11 Royal author- 35 Wages ity 37 Soft hat 14 Movable cover 39 Tropical treen 16 Service of 40 Utopian butter 41 Pertaining to 20 Slander A court 22 Dowager 42 Male sheep 25 Legal profes- 45 Sheath sion 47 Prevaricator 26 Card game 49 Reduction 30 Norwegian 53 Preposition Worship 50 Preserve composer 54 Note of scale Yesterday's Answers PERIL SPEAR REMORA CANTER OR DIS AcT LE CUES SHATTERED LA IT RUG COMPLETED MAT TAL RIA TO OFF CON SEND ED EAT NE DO ARRANGERS POP RE MOA OUT DI ARGENT ORIGIN SPREE TENON NIGHT COUGHS due to colds eased without Rub on VICKS APPROVED BY 2 GENERATIONS Clean Out Of SOAP POWDER? Used fats are needed in making soaps as well as washing machines, rugs, fabrics and many other things you want. TURN IN. YOUR USED FATS! CYPRESS LAWN MEMORIAL PARK San Francisco's Oldest and Most Beautiful Non-Sectarian Perpetual Care CEMETERY CREMATORY COLUMBARIUM MAUSOLEUM TELEPHONE RANDOLPH 0580 Founded 1892 for 00 WHATEVER THE CHOICE of memorial property, ownership before need brings a sense of peace. Woodlawn one of America's most beautiful sanctuaries under PERPETUAL CARE.


The San Francisco Examiner from San Francisco, California (2024)
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Name: Velia Krajcik

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Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.