Intel Core i9-14900K vs. Intel Core i9-10850K (2024)

Compare the Intel Core i9-14900K CPU with the Intel Core i9-10850K in terms of core types, core counts, frequencies, and cache capacities, along with their overclocking, PCIe, and DDR support.

Core i9-14900K

Intel Core i9-14900K

Core i9-10850K

Intel Core i9-10850K

Performance of the Core i9-14900K vs. Core i9-10850K

Intel Core i9-14900K
Core Count:24
Thread Count:32
L3 Cache:36 MB
Max Turbo Freq. (1 Core):6.00 GHz
P-Core Count:8
Base P-Core Freq.:3.20 GHz
Max Turbo P-Core Freq.:5.60 GHz
Intel Core i9-10850K
Core Count:10
Thread Count:20
L3 Cache:20 MB
Base Freq.:3.60 GHz
Max Turbo Freq. (1 Core):5.20 GHz


14900K: Based on our evaluation, the 14900K's 8 Performance cores and 16 Efficiency cores allow for excellent performance overall.

10850K: Based on our evaluation, the 10850K's 10 cores allow for excellent performance overall.

Learn more about Core CountsIntel Core i9-14900K vs. Intel Core i9-10850K (4) below.

Intel Core i9-14900K vs. Intel Core i9-10850K (5)Our chart of the multi-core performance of the Core i9-14900K CPU compared to the Core i9-10850K and other Intel and AMD CPU models. We calculated the performance score as Core Frequency × Number of Cores, with performance improvements per generation and Efficiency cores supporting a fraction of the P-core performance. TechReviewer

Base Frequency

14900K: The 14900K has a 3.20 GHz P-core base frequency, which is the speed before boosting.

10850K: The 10850K has a 3.60 GHz base frequency, which is the speed before boosting.

Learn more about CPU Clock SpeedsIntel Core i9-14900K vs. Intel Core i9-10850K (6) below.

Intel Core i9-14900K vs. Intel Core i9-10850K (7)Our chart of the max base frequency of the Core i9-14900K CPU compared to the Core i9-10850K and other Intel and AMD CPU models. We based the max base frequency on the max P-core base frequency for Intel 12th Gen and newer CPUs and based it on max base frequency for other CPU models. TechReviewer

Single-Core Turbo Frequency

14900K: Based on our evaluation, the 14900K's 6.00 GHz single-core max turbo boost frequency is excellent for performance overall. You can maintain these frequencies with a high-end cooler.

10850K: Based on our evaluation, the 10850K's 5.20 GHz single-core max turbo boost frequency is excellent for performance overall. You can maintain these frequencies with a high-end cooler.

Learn more about CPU Clock SpeedsIntel Core i9-14900K vs. Intel Core i9-10850K (8) below.

Intel Core i9-14900K vs. Intel Core i9-10850K (9)Our chart of the single-core boost frequency of the Core i9-14900K CPU compared to the Core i9-10850K and other Intel and AMD CPU models. We based the single-core boost frequency on the max single-core boost frequency. TechReviewer

P-Core Turbo Frequency

14900K: Based on our evaluation, the 14900K's 5.60 GHz max turbo boost frequency of the Performance cores is excellent for performance overall. P-core turbo boost frequencies can be maintained with a high-end cooler.

10850K: The 10850K does not have Performance cores.

Learn more about CPU Clock SpeedsIntel Core i9-14900K vs. Intel Core i9-10850K (10) below.

Intel Core i9-14900K vs. Intel Core i9-10850K (11)Our comparison chart of CPU models based on their P-core frequency, which is determined by their maximum P-core boost frequency. TechReviewer

Overclocking Support

14900K: Based on our evaluation, the 14900K CPU's support for overclocking can be excellent for performance overall.

10850K: Based on our evaluation, the 10850K CPU's support for overclocking can be excellent for performance overall.

Learn more about OverclockingIntel Core i9-14900K vs. Intel Core i9-10850K (12) below.

DDR Support

14900K: Based on our evaluation, the 14900K CPU's support for DDR5 with a max stock speed of 5600 MHz can be excellent for performance overall.

10850K: Based on our evaluation, the 10850K CPU's support for DDR4 with a max stock speed of 2933 MHz can be mediocre for performance overall.

Learn more about DDR SupportIntel Core i9-14900K vs. Intel Core i9-10850K (13) below.


14900K: Based on our evaluation, the 14900K CPU's support for PCIe 5.0 can be excellent for performance overall, when using the fastest SSDs and graphics cards.

10850K: Based on our evaluation, the 10850K CPU's support for PCIe 3.0 can be poor for performance overall, as it will limit the potential of the latest SSDs and graphics cards.

L3 Cache

14900K: Based on our evaluation, the 14900K's impressive 36 MB of L3 cache is excellent for performance overall.

10850K: Based on our evaluation, the 10850K's 20 MB of L3 cache is good for performance overall.

Learn more about Cache SizesIntel Core i9-14900K vs. Intel Core i9-10850K (14) below.

Intel Core i9-14900K vs. Intel Core i9-10850K (15)Our chart of the L3 cache capacity of the Core i9-14900K CPU compared to the Core i9-10850K and other Intel and AMD CPU models. TechReviewer

Use Cases of the Core i9-14900K and Core i9-10850K

Considerations for Gaming

Based on our evaluation of using Intel's Core i9-14900K CPU for gaming, you can expect excellent game performance with a high-performance CPU cooler.

Based on our evaluation of using Intel's Core i9-10850K CPU for gaming, you can expect good game performance with a high-performance CPU cooler.

While a good GPU is critical for gaming performance, your CPU will also have a significant impact. If the CPU is too slow, it can be a bottleneck for your GPU, which can reduce your framerate or cause stuttering. The most important CPU capabilities for gaming are single-core max turbo boost frequency and the number of cores.

Depending on the game, the CPU will often handle tasks including scene management, gameplay logic, physics calculations, and asset loading. We took these factors into account when assessing the expected CPU performance for gaming.

Having multiple CPU cores can improve performance with games that utilize them. However, developers cannot split up every task to take advantage of a growing number of cores. Most modern games don't benefit from having more than 6–8 cores. Game performance will experience diminishing returns as you add more CPU cores.

Considerations for General Apps

Based on our evaluation of using Intel's Core i9-14900K CPU for general apps, you can expect excellent app performance with a high-performance CPU cooler.

Based on our evaluation of using Intel's Core i9-10850K CPU for general apps, you can expect good app performance with a high-performance CPU cooler.

If you're only planning to stream shows, use office apps, or browse the internet, you won't need a top-end CPU to get good performance. The most important CPU capability for general app usage is the single-core max turbo boost frequency.

Browsers depend on your CPU to quickly load pages and video content and manage multiple browser tabs. Higher single-core turbo boost frequencies can speed up page load times.

Office and web applications are typically single-threaded, so running a single application won't take advantage of a many-core CPU.

The more cores a CPU has, the more applications you can run simultaneously without noticing a performance impact.

Office and web applications rarely max out the CPU for long periods. These applications can use turbo boost speeds when a burst of processing power is needed, returning to the more efficient base frequencies afterward.

We took all of these factors into account while assessing the expected CPU performance for general apps.

Considerations for Professional Tools

Based on our evaluation of using Intel's Core i9-14900K CPU for professional tools, you can expect excellent tool performance with a high-performance CPU cooler.

Based on our evaluation of using Intel's Core i9-10850K CPU for professional tools, you can expect good tool performance with a high-performance CPU cooler.

Video editors, 2D and 3D graphics tools, software compilers, and engineering tools require high-performing CPUs.

Professional tools are often well optimized to use many cores. CPU cores allow tools to parallelize processing tasks. Increasing the number of cores can divide the time required to process a task if the tool has good multi-threading support.

To maximize performance with professional tools, you'll want to use a CPU with a high turbo boost frequency and many CPU cores. Good heat dissipation is needed to maintain turbo boost frequencies for extended periods. We took these factors into account while assessing the expected CPU performance for professional tools.

While graphics applications use your GPU for some rendering tasks, most calculations and data operations are still dependent on your CPU.

Considerations for Choosing Between the 14900K and 10850K

Core Count

Intel's Core i9-14900K CPUs have 8 Performance cores (P-cores) and 16 Efficiency cores (E-cores) for a total of 24 cores.

Intel's Core i9-10850K CPUs have 10 cores.

We found that, in general, more cores do provide better performance in professional tools and when running multiple applications simultaneously.

Increased core counts can improve the performance of games and professional tools that use them. Most modern games don't benefit from having more than 6–8 cores. Even general apps can benefit from many cores when numerous applications are open simultaneously. Web browsers don't significantly take advantage of multiple cores when loading a single page. However, more CPU cores can improve performance when running demanding web apps in multiple windows.

Intel's 12th generation and newer CPUs have performance cores (P-cores) and efficiency cores (E-cores). The P-cores are comparable to previous generation cores. E-cores are focused on adding additional threads in an energy-efficient manner. They take up much less room on the CPU and generate less heat. However, their smaller cache and minimal interconnect capabilities make them more appropriate for offloading background tasks. E-cores do not support hyper-threading.

CPU Clock Speeds

The Intel Core i9-14900K's 8 Performance cores have a 3.20 GHz base frequency and support a 5.60 GHz max turbo boost frequency.Its 16 Efficiency cores have a 2.40 GHz base frequency and support a 4.40 GHz max turbo boost frequency.The Core i9-14900K has a 6.00 GHz single-core max turbo boost frequency.

The Intel Core i9-10850K has a 3.60 GHz base frequency and supports a 5.20 GHz single-core max turbo boost frequency.

We've experienced that single-core performance is essential for some games, as many don't take full advantage of multiple cores. Similarly, we have experienced that professional tools depend on high single and multi-core turbo frequencies to maximize their processing speed.

Turbo boost frequencies are only achieved under ideal circ*mstances. However, with adequate cooling, you may be able to maintain speeds near the max boost frequency.

Check out my article, Choosing the Best CPU Cooler for Intel's Core i9-14900KIntel Core i9-14900K vs. Intel Core i9-10850K (18), for recommended coolers that can maintain these boost frequencies on the 14900K.

Check out my article, Choosing the Best CPU Cooler for Intel's Core i9-10850KIntel Core i9-14900K vs. Intel Core i9-10850K (19), for recommended coolers that can maintain these boost frequencies on the 10850K.

Higher vs. Lower Base Frequencies

We've found that lower base clock speeds result in lower power consumption.

A CPU's base frequency refers to the clock speed at which its cores run under normal operating conditions. However, the actual clock speed of the CPU can vary depending on the workload and the system power state.

A lower base frequency can lead to better power savings overall since the clock speed decreases when the load is low, resulting in lower power consumption. However, a CPU may run slower than the base frequency to conserve power or reduce heat generation. For example, modern CPUs use technologies like Intel SpeedStep or AMD Cool'n'Quiet to dynamically adjust the CPU's clock speed based on the system's workload and power state.

A CPU with a lower base frequency may generate less heat under normal operating conditions, enabling it to boost some cores to higher frequencies while remaining within its thermal limits. This lower base frequency results in better performance than a CPU with a higher base frequency, which may not be able to sustain its boost frequency for long periods due to thermal throttling. However, this is mostly only relevant if your system's cooling solution can only partially dissipate the heat produced by all cores being fully boosted.

DDR Support

The 14900K CPU's fastest supported DDR memory type is DDR5, with a max stock speed of 5600 MHz.

The 10850K CPU's fastest supported DDR memory type is DDR4, with a max stock speed of 2933 MHz.

You can exceed these stock speeds officially supported by CPUs when overclocking memory, such as with an XMP profile. Motherboard specifications will indicate their supported overclocked-memory speeds. To be able to overclock DDR memory, your motherboard chipset needs to support memory overclocking.

Faster PC memory can improve game and professional tool performance by reducing the time it takes to perform calculations and data operations.

We've experienced that using the quickest RAM may not have as much of an impact as upgrading your CPU and graphics card or adding more RAM.

Learn more about DDR in DDR4 vs. DDR5? Which You Should BuyIntel Core i9-14900K vs. Intel Core i9-10850K (20).

Learn about our recommended RAM for the 14900K in Best RAM for the Intel Core i9-14900K CPUIntel Core i9-14900K vs. Intel Core i9-10850K (21).

Learn about our recommended RAM for the 10850K in Best RAM for the Intel Core i9-10850K CPUIntel Core i9-14900K vs. Intel Core i9-10850K (22).

Cache Size

The Intel Core i9-14900K has an L3 cache capacity of 36 MB.

The Intel Core i9-10850K has an L3 cache capacity of 20 MB.

A CPU's cache is a small amount of memory, close to the CPU cores, containing recently used data. An L3 cache capacity of at least 20 MB is ideal for games and professional tool performance.

Games and professional tool performance can improve as cache size increases, as it can reduce delays when retrieving commonly used assets from memory. While nearly any task will use a CPU's cache, our research indicates that a large cache becomes less impactful for general PC usage, such as browsing webpages.

Remember that cache sizes often increase with core counts, so if you want to increase your L3 cache, you may need to get a CPU with more cores.


The 14900K supports overclocking.

The 10850K supports overclocking.

Overclocking is mainly relevant for PC gamers who want to maximize their game framerates. CPU overclocking increases frequencies past their default limits. Excellent heat dissipation via fans or another solution is required to maintain system stability while overclocking. While we felt a sense of excitement and anticipation when we pushed the limits of our CPU's performance, it's essential to remember that overclocking comes with the risk of damaging your system components or voiding warranties.

Professional tools can benefit from overclocked frequencies. However, overclocking may introduce some possibility of system instability, which may be less acceptable in business scenarios. We've found out the hard way that losing work due to system instability is a pain.

Where to Buy the Core i9-14900K and Core i9-10850K

Core i9-14900K

Intel Core i9-14900K

Core i9-10850K

Intel Core i9-10850K

Find the Core i9-14900K at Best Buy. Find the Core i9-10850K at Best Buy.

Find the Core i9-14900K at Newegg. Find the Core i9-10850K at Newegg.

Learn More About the Intel Core i9-14900K

  • Motherboard: Choosing the Best Motherboard for Intel's Core i9-14900KIntel Core i9-14900K vs. Intel Core i9-10850K (27)
  • Chipset: Which Chipsets Work With Intel's Core i9-14900K CPU?Intel Core i9-14900K vs. Intel Core i9-10850K (28)
  • Cooler: Choosing the Best CPU Cooler for Intel's Core i9-14900KIntel Core i9-14900K vs. Intel Core i9-10850K (29)
  • Power Supply: Choosing the Best Power Supply for Intel's Core i9-14900KIntel Core i9-14900K vs. Intel Core i9-10850K (30)
  • RAM: Best RAM for the Intel Core i9-14900K CPUIntel Core i9-14900K vs. Intel Core i9-10850K (31)
  • TDP: What Is the TDP of the Core i9-14900K CPU?Intel Core i9-14900K vs. Intel Core i9-10850K (32)
  • Gaming: Is the Core i9-14900K CPU Good for Gaming?Intel Core i9-14900K vs. Intel Core i9-10850K (33)

Learn More About the Intel Core i9-10850K

  • Motherboard: Choosing the Best Motherboard for Intel's Core i9-10850KIntel Core i9-14900K vs. Intel Core i9-10850K (35)
  • Chipset: Which Chipsets Work With Intel's Core i9-10850K CPU?Intel Core i9-14900K vs. Intel Core i9-10850K (36)
  • Cooler: Choosing the Best CPU Cooler for Intel's Core i9-10850KIntel Core i9-14900K vs. Intel Core i9-10850K (37)
  • Power Supply: Choosing the Best Power Supply for Intel's Core i9-10850KIntel Core i9-14900K vs. Intel Core i9-10850K (38)
  • RAM: Best RAM for the Intel Core i9-10850K CPUIntel Core i9-14900K vs. Intel Core i9-10850K (39)
  • TDP: What Is the TDP of the Core i9-10850K CPU?Intel Core i9-14900K vs. Intel Core i9-10850K (40)
  • Gaming: Is the Core i9-10850K CPU Good for Gaming?Intel Core i9-14900K vs. Intel Core i9-10850K (41)
Intel Core i9-14900K vs. Intel Core i9-10850K (2024)


Is the i9-10850K high end? ›

The Core i9-10850K gives you the same gaming performance as the world's fastest gaming chip, the Core i9-10900K, but at a lower price point, making it a great choice for performance fanatics.

How old is the i9-10850K? ›

The Intel Core i9-10850K was a desktop processor with 10 cores, launched in July 2020. It is part of the Core i9 lineup, using the Comet Lake architecture with Socket 1200. Thanks to Intel Hyper-Threading the core-count is effectively doubled, to 20 threads.

What is the best Core i9? ›

Intel's Core i9-14900KS Special Edition processor has the highest clock rate of any desktop PC processor yet, blasting up to 6.2 GHz on two cores and allowing Intel to claim once again that it has the fastest desktop processor in the world.

Is a Core i9 processor overkill for most users? ›

Is a Core i9 processor overkill for most users? Yes, it is an overkill. I don't know your exact usage but if you're an average user, my suggestion would be, if you're getting a new computer for home use, get an i3 or i5, 11th gen or above with an SSD as a boot drive and about 8GB of RAM.

Is i9-10850K good for gaming? ›

Originally Answered: Is the Intel Core i9-10850K good for gaming? Yeah, it will work great but is rather overkill. You don't need that kind of CPU for gaming, it would only be useful with the best Graphics cards like 3090 and such.

What is the fastest i9 processor for gaming? ›

Intel Core i9-14900K specifications are:
  • Core count: 24.
  • Number of performance cores: 8.
  • Number of Efficient Cores: 16.
  • Number of threads: 32.
  • Maximum Turbo Frequency: 6 GHz.
  • Intel Thermal Velocity Boost clock speed: 6 GHz.
  • Intel Turbo Boost Technology 3.0 maximum frequency: 5.80 GHz.
  • Power Core Max Turbo Frequency: 5.60 GHz.
Feb 4, 2024

Is the 14900K good for gaming? ›

The Intel i9-14900K is a powerful CPU that has made gaming and working so much faster and more efficient. Working with it daily, you'll find that everything you can think of doing can easily be done without any real effort or strain on your machine. Especially if you are pairing it with a high-end GPU or motherboard.

How much power does the 14900K have? ›

The Core i9-14900K is based on the Raptor Lake Refresh silicon, which is physically the same microarchitecture as Raptor Lake, and built on the same Intel 7 process node. The processor has very steep power limits, including a 125 W processor base power (PBP), and 253 W of maximum turbo power (MTP).

What is the difference between 14900K and 14900KS? ›

As per usual, Intel has announced an amped-up version of its flagship CPU. Known as the 14900KS, it's largely the same, however it can turbo up to 6.2GHz, compared to the 14900K's puny 6.0GHz.

Is the i9 14900kf overkill? ›

Not only is it way faster than the Ryzen 5 7600X in pretty much every test, but the 14900K is going to be complete overkill.

What is too hot for a i9 CPU? ›

The maximum operating temperature limit varies per processor and usually is between 100°C-110°C. Other components within the system can also hit their thermal limits independently of the processor.

Should I get an i9 over an i7? ›

Comaring the last gen, the i9 is an overall faster chip than i7 even in single-threaded workloads. In multi-threaded workloads, the difference is huge die to the i9 higher core count. In single-threaded applications, the difference is very subtle, but the i9 has slightly higher boost clock and larger Cache.

Is 10850K better than 10900K? ›

Essentially, the 10850K is a worse binned 10900K, meaning that it may be a hundred or two megahertz slower than the 10900K and may not overclock as well as a standard 10900K. Otherwise, the 10850K is nearly identical to the 10900K.

What gen is i9-10850K? ›

Intel Core i9 (10th Gen) i9-10850K Deca-core (10 Core) 3.60 GHz Processor - Retail Pack - 20 MB L3 Cache - 64-bit Processing - 5.20 GHz Overclocking Speed - 14 nm - Socket LGA-1200 - Intel UHD Graphics 630 - 125 W - 20 Threads 5.0 out of 5 stars.

Is i9 the highest CPU? ›

Intel Core i9-14900KS becomes the fastest CPU ever hitting a 9.12GHz overclock, breaking multiple world records. Intel's long-rumored Core i9-14900KS finally went on sale yesterday and already the CPU has broken records, including becoming the fastest ever processor.

Is i9 a lot better than i7? ›

i9s have more cores and threads than i7s, all while hitting much higher frequencies. For example, the 14th-gen Intel Core i9 14900K is armed with 8 high-performance “P” cores and 16 more efficient “E” cores boosting up to 6GHz.

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Author: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

Address: 74183 Thomas Course, Port Micheal, OK 55446-1529

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Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.